almost every where you turn there are tales of grief and sorrow about persons whose buildings and/or properties have gone up in flames.

if it is not MARKETS in ONITSHA,

Onitsha fire Outbreak! Life and properties destroyed (MUST WATCH) - YouTube
( this photo was sourced from the internet )

( some reference link addresses :
[3] )

Notes From the West Coast: “Singers Singing!” Anita Baker at the Hollywood  Bowl – Stargayzing



( some reference link addresses :
[2] )

in some of these horrific incidents lives .. human lives .. are lost.

( some reference link addresses :
[2] )

Fuel tanker causes fire outbreak in Onitsha market, lives and properties  lost |
( this photo purportedly showing a human-being burnt alive to death during a fire outbreak in Onitsha was sourced from the internet )

and make no mistake about it,
.. these fires ..
.. these going up in flames ..
.. these burning of buildings ..

has been going on for a very long while.

Review: Anita Baker - Music - The Austin Chronicle

some older Nigerians / Nigeria Residents may remember
a building called the NET BUILDING located at the MARINA in

that building at a time was rumoured to be the tallest high building in all Nigeria.

Spy 9ja - The tallest building in Nigeria is NECOM House,... | Facebook

that building being the locational headquarters of NET i.e NIGERIA EXTERNAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ? housed some of the most expensive telecommunications infrastructure and equipment that Nigeria had at the time.

one cursed day i.e one accursed day, that building went up in flames.  


if my memory serves correctly,
some staff in the building actually jumped out
.. from 20 storeys high ? ..
.. from 25 storeys high ? ..
in an attempt to avoid being burnt in the fire

if my memory serves correctly, then
needless to say they died and blood splattered everywhere immediately their bodies hit the hard ground from that far high up.

Federal Fire Service establishes 6 additional zonal offices

the thing about the memory is that by the normal natural process of nature,
it tends to mist, to blur and to be not so precise with the passage of time.

so, perhaps, google may help us answer some questions such as :

(1.) in what year was that fire incident ? was it 1983 the first time ? and then again in 2015 ?
(2.) how tall i.e how many storeys high was that building ? 37 storeys high ? or higher ?
(3.) those ill-fated folks that went to work that day at/in their offices in that building as normal, healthy persons with a future like everyone else and found themselves jumping to their deaths that day, how high were the floors that they jumped out from ? i.e which floors exactly did they jump out from ?

there were so many different rumours about the inability of Nigeria to put out the fire that day.  

one version of the rumours said that
the fire-fighters got there but had no water with which to fight the fire.

a little digression here … outside of that NET BUILDING FIRE,
this particular rumour about fire-fighters getting to a burning building
and then not being able to do anything there
because they have no water with which to fight the fire
has been repeated on other occassions in regards to some other buildings that caught fire here in Nigeria

please let me ask a question here →→→
( .. this sentence fore-runner has been written in Nigeria Use of English .. )
→→→ if the fire-fighter and the fire-fighter truck have no water with which to quench a fire, then what is the purpose of their going to the scene of the fire ???

please let me also ask another question here.
what sort of mis-management by Nigeria is that ? … that the Federal Fire Fighting Sevice has no water in it’s vehicles with which to put out a fire ???

Federal Fire Service (@Fedfireng) | Twitter

let me actually go ahead and further shock readers of this post who are located outside of Nigeria and do not know much about Nigeria by telling them that
that NET BUILDING was ( is still? ) located rather near the ATLANTIC OCEAN at THE MARINA there
and so
that rumour actually by implication tells further that
the Fire Fighting Service upon getting there with no water
e.g maybe a pumping machine with a pipe-work that could be extended into the nearby Atlantic Ocean to get water


( some reference link addresses :
[2] )

another version of the rumours said that
the fire-fighters got there and had water with which to fight the fire
but the fire was to far high up
i.e that the floors of the building which were burning were so far high up that the ladders of the Fire-Fighters and the hoses couldn’t get anywhere near the burning areas.

whatever may have been the true situation on ground there that day,
the un-argue-able fact is that that building caught fire that day
and it was not possible for fire-fighters to put out that fire
( if my memory serves correctly ).

January 1989: Anita Baker (Still) Rules with "Giving You the Best That I  Got" | Totally 80s

writing in Nigeria Use of English,
here’s another question :

you the Nigeria that built that very tall building,
anybody at all among all the people in a position to influence things in Nigeria
have the common sense to know that
if you build a building that tall,
you that you built that building you should use your common sense and invest in fire-fighting against possible fire out-break in that building e.g
by getting appropriate equipment for the fire-fighters so that if a fire goes up in that building , they can be able to put out the fire ??

Press Releases Detail |

[ END OF (1) ]


By sam

Samuel Ojekwe is essentially just your basic everyday fellow that you see in your neighbourhood while you go about doing your stuff and who, like you, wishes and hopes that the world becomes a better place for all of us.

2,356 thoughts on “NIGERIA needs to AS A MATTER OF URGENCY and STANDARD ROUTINE PROCEEDURE INVEST VERY STRONGLY in FIRE FIGHTING and FIRE AVERSION and stop fooling around with the lives and properties of NIGERIA RESIDENTS. [1]”
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