PAM ORMAAHLEECHAR DAHLEEN NM, if you were to KEY DOWN to 5 MAJOR ISSUES the stuff that NIGERIA NEEDS TO DO to get itself out of the SOCIO-ECONOMIC MESS it CURRENTLY is in.. and HAS BEEN IN .. for A WHILE, what would THOSE ISSUES be ? and why ?
would you ? shortlist AGRICULTURE after-all agriculture is very important for many reasons. for example, the provision of food is critical to the well being of any nation.besides, it is…
tell me, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, whose LATERAL PERSPECTIVE WALKALONG IMAGERY, historically and currently, have been .. remain .. is .. are .. the very best … of all time and for all time … DIFFERENT ATTIRES and DIFFERENT LOCATIONS considered ?
Cherokee D Ass ormahleechar nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha m, for the purposes of keeping it simple and for whatever it may be worth i.e…
tell me, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, whose ANTERIOR PERSPECTIVE WALKALONG IMAGERY, historically and currently, have been .. remain .. is .. are .. the very best … of all time and for all time … DIFFERENT ATTIRES and DIFFERENT LOCATIONS considered ?
Cherokee D Ass ormahleechar nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha m, for the purposes of keeping it simple and for whatever it may be worth i.e…
tell me, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, whose ANTEROLATERAL PERSPECTIVE WALKALONG IMAGERY, historically and currently, have been .. remain .. is .. are .. the very best … of all time and for all time … DIFFERENT ATTIRES and DIFFERENT LOCATIONS considered ?
Cherokee D Ass ormahleechar nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha m, for the purposes of keeping it simple and for whatever it may be worth i.e…
tell me, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, whose DORSOLATERAL PERSPECTIVE WALKALONG IMAGERY, historically and currently, have been .. remain .. is .. are .. the very best … of all time and for all time … DIFFERENT ATTIRES and DIFFERENT LOCATIONS considered ?
Cherokee D Ass ormahleechar nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha m, for the purposes of keeping it simple and for whatever it may be worth i.e…
Cherokee D Ass obim, taking a pointer from the seemingly high number of folks across various generations and in different locations of the planet earth who have had serious automobile accidents while driving when drunk, it would seem that a high number of folks do not really have a good assessment of their capability to function efficiently while under the influence of alcohol
yeah really i was in the process of putting up a post at my instagram page and i had uploaded a photo of youi.eCherokee D Assa.k.aYohanna Renee Kerr and i…
Cherokee D Ass ohbee nm, taking a cue from a categorisation? back in the day here in Nigeria of the South East States as “educationally advantaged” for the purposes of the admissions processes into Nigeria Federal Government Secondary Schools, one sometimes wonders if it should not be to one’s benefit for one to be hardworking and for one to value highly the Aryan Type Education and to exert one’s endeavours towards acquiring such highly valuable education ?
perhaps i should tell you right away straight away right upfront right now that i really don’t know the current prevailing state of things regarding this practice as at today…
Cherokee D Ass nma nm, taking a cue from the instance of Nigeria, a downturn in a National Economy can : (1) make occupations, jobs & careers that were long seen to be profitable to be seen as less rewarding (2) cause jobs, occupations & careers that were previously not the rave to be looked on more favourably (3) cause citizens who were previously satisfied with their standard of living in their own country to consider relocating to other countries in the hope of achieving a better quality of life there
at a guess, we should probably divide the content of this post into the 3 KEY AREAS identified in the post title thus : (1) AREA 1 – the circumstance…
Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, at a guess, the JOBS .. WORKS .. CAREERS .. PROFESSIONS .. that folks aspire to and the ORGANISATIONS that folks aspire to work for/in/with tend to vary here in NIGERIA from decade to decade and from generation to generation
and Cherokee D Ass nma nm, i guess i derive the substance of my perception from a cursory look at the professions .. works .. jobs .. careers .. that…
tell me, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, whose DORSAL PERSPECTIVE WALKALONG IMAGERY, historically and currently, have been .. remain .. is .. are .. the very best … of all time and for all time … DIFFERENT ATTIRES and DIFFERENT LOCATIONS considered ?
Cherokee D Ass ormahleechar nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha nm, Cherokee D Ass omalicha m, for the purposes of keeping it simple and for whatever it may be worth i.e…
AN OPEN LETTER TO MORIAH MILLS on whether FOR OUR OWN PURPOSES we should escalate the interpretation of the P in the Period Challenge to Phenomenon so that for our own purposes the P Challenge = the Phenomenon Challenge
Hey ! Moriah Mills ! Hi ! ( Keh-Duh ! ) ( Kedu ! ) how are you doing ? ( keh-duh ka ee meh? ) ( kedu ka ime…
so tell me, Moriah Mills omalicha nm, whose ABSOLUTELY SUPERB SIDE PERSPECTIVE q-BODY-FIGURE IMAGERY i.e quintessence BODY FIGURE IMAGERY is .. was .. has been .. remains .. the VERY GREATEST OF ALL TIME ?
tell me, Moriah Mills omalicha nm, whose q Challenge imagery i.e whose quintessence Challenge imagery IN COMBINATION with her p Challenge imagery i.e her period Challenge imagery is/was .. has been .. remains .. the VERY GREATEST OF ALL TIME ?
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, taking a composite look at the plethora of imagery that detail(s) appreciation for and of the magnificent beauty of the female humanoid bodyand parts of the…
a thing about PHYSICAL VIISION whether it is FULL CLEAR HEALTHY NORMAL VISION or any of it’sNOT COMPLETELY WHOLESOME presentationse.g MYOPIAshort sightedness HYPERMETROPIAlong sightedness PRESBYOPIA ASTIGMATISM is thatreally it is…
pertaining to The Real Liso, an agency, starting a financially profitable enterprise, “playing with you” and THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF
🟥🚩 @the_real_liso_backup : Respects. with regards to your earlier posts which suggested a career shift from being an employee in an agency to being a business owner CEO running her…
Rihanna nm, pertaining to the arrest of the mother of the holder of the 2024 Miss Universe Africa and Oceania Title in the Republic of South Africa
Rihanna nm, putting aside all sentimentsandputting aside all feelingsandputting aside all emotions when in 2024 the information began to appear on the internet and other information dissemination forums here in…
Rihanna nm, pertaining to a University Lecturer ( Male ), a University Student ( Female ) and a TikTok Video
Rihanna nm, Respects and Greetings. there’s a happenstance here in Nigeria pertaining to a University Lecturer ( male ) a University Student ( female ) and a TikTok Video. perhaps…
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, at a guess the Adroit Management of a National Economy necessitates a good understanding of the interplay of External Factors and Internal Factors as well as a brilliant, far-sighted handling of the Domestic Internal Factors that can trigger, sustain and continuously catalyze Economic Growth
Respects and Greetings,Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr,Rihanna nkeh m o-foo sor-sor,Rihanna nkem ofu soso, it may perhaps be of some value if i indicate upfronti.eif i indicate here and now…
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, according to rumours, the attitudes to and acceptance of Aryan/Caucasian Style Education in the different areas of Nigeria varied .. and still? varies today February 14 2025 .. in the different areas of Nigeria and this has had .. and still has as at date .. impact on Nigeria socially, economically, politically, socio-economically, socio-politically and politico-economically
Respects and Greetings,Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr,Rihanna nkeh m o-foo sor-sor,Rihanna nkem ofu soso, it may perhaps be of some value if i indicate upfronti.eif i indicate here and now…
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, attitudes to and perceptions of careers / professions have changed here in Nigeria in the immediately past 60 years .. and are still changing presently .. so i guess folks should put their best foot forwards and roll with the times and also try to do futuristic planning if they can
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr,Rihanna nkem ofu soso,this subject matter may require a fair number of posts if we want to really get down on it and considering limitations such…
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, regarding that IMAGERY OF YOU wearing BRASSIERES UNTOP OF A SHIRT on the internet circa ELEVEN MONTHS AGO BACK IN THE DAY APRIL 9 2024
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, Rihanna nkem ofu soso, regarding that IMAGERY OF YOU wearing BRASSIERES UNTOP OF A SHIRT on the internet circa ELEVEN MONTHS AGO BACK IN THE…
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, regarding that IMAGERY OF YOU sporting a KNIFE SHEATHED IN YOUR BOOT on the internet circa ELEVEN MONTHS AGO BACK IN THE DAY APRIL 9 2024
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, Rihanna nkem ofu soso, regarding that IMAGERY OF YOU sporting a KNIFE SHEATHED IN YOUR BOOT on the internet circa ELEVEN MONTHS AGO BACK IN…
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, regarding that IMAGERY OF YOU sporting SILVER TEETH on the internet circa ELEVEN MONTHS AGO BACK IN THE DAY APRIL 9 2024
Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, Rihanna nkem ofu soso, regarding that IMAGERY OF YOU sporting SILVER TEETH on the internet circa ELEVEN MONTHS AGO BACK IN THE DAY APRIL 9…
an effort of sorts at compiling some ENTERING THE YEAR 2025 WITH A POSITIVE FRAME OF MIND imagery from here and there
in response to inputs from folks who have suggested at some point or the other that because of the audio function of videos i should use videos for this blog…
an effort of sorts at compiling some 2024 YEAR ENDED imagery from here and there
this website has a structural limitation in that while it is possible to upload videos into one’s posts i.e include videos in one’s posts the expert advice informed advice learned…
an effort of sorts at compiling some imagery from here and there that are, in my own personal view, linkable to the 14 February 2025 VALENTINE DAY date
perhaps it may be of some value if i indicate straight-away that this effort is not going to be extensive exhaustive extensively detailed having for whatever value it may have…
look, Moriah Mills nm, arguments can be made FOR and AGAINST any IDEA or PRACTICE, however COMMON SENSE .. where it exists .. and FAIR UNBIASED ASSAY of the RESULTS of the CHOSEN LINES OF ACTION tend to demonstrate the OVERALL EFFICACY or OTHERWISE of the CHOSEN LINES OF ACTION
yeah really the BASIC TRUTH isthat arguments can be made FORi.eIN SUPPORT OF and/or AGAINSTi.eCONTRARY TO any IDEACONCEPTVIEW PRACTICEPROCEEDURE however COMMON SENSE( where it exists ) and FAIR UNBIASED ASSAYof…
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO ) (4)
very candidly, Moriah Mills nnmah nm ( nma nm ), i am not at all sure how the EEBOE / EEGBOE speak in reference to a FOLK who has TRAVELLED…
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO ) (3)
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ), at this juncture i guess that it may be of some value to mention that there is a DIALECT of the IGBO…
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO ) (2)
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ), let’s take a look at those two (2) words OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH OBODO OYIBO OHBOHDOH = OBODO = Country although it may also…
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO )
Moriah Mills ohbee nm ( obim ),i guess the best approach tolooking at the interactions of the EEBOE / EEGBOEwith the■ OUTSIDE WORLD■ OUTSIDE OF EEBOELAND WORLD■ OUTSIDE OF EEGBOELAND…
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the humanoid races beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic nnde ohjee and nnde orchar (4)
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm), i guess the term NNDE ORCHAR ARAB is self-explanatoryin it’s descriptive reference tohumanoids that are ARABS. at a guessthe terminology NNDE ORCHAR ARABapplies…
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the humanoid races beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic nnde ohjee and nnde orchar (3)
moving forwards at a guess sincethe CONTINENT called ASIA has from general observation folkswith 2 different body typesi.e (1) the BODY TYPE seen inBANGLADESHSRI LANKAINDIA and (2) the BODY TYPE…
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the humanoid races beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic nnde ohjee and nnde orchar (2)
moving on Moriah Mills ohbee nm ( obi nm ) ( obi m ) ( obim ), at a guess it is best to illustrate THE MORIAH MILLS AND SAMMY…
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the humanoid races beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic nnde ohjee and nnde orchar
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, ormahleechar m, ormahleecharnm ( omalicha nm ) ( omalicha m ) ( omalicham ),as far as i can tell ■ the basic eegboe / eeboe tribe…
Queen Latifah omalicha nm, just as every environment in the world needs good security in order to thrive economically and socially, so also Igbo/Eegboe language speaking Nigeria needs to have good security in order to thrive economically and socially
Segos Pumpkin ormahleechar nm, wishing you healing and joy in 2025
📮✉️➡️ @segos_pumpkin : Respects. this post of yours is very thought provoking as it talks of pains and lessons. it is further thought provoking in that it contains the mention…
Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, a post series in which it is discussed that life forms .. irrespective of how beautiful or gifted they are .. that are unable to defend themselves effectively from other life forms are subject to being preyed upon by those other more predatory life forms (1)
this is basically a fact of real life and applies to humanity .. despite humanity’s claims of behavioural superiority over animals and related pretensions .. just as it applies to…
just simply from taking a superficial fleeting cursory look at the extensive plethora of photos, videos, gifs, etc i.e of varied format images of the female anatomy virtually everywhere on the internet, it strikes a viewer strongly that the human species ( and the camera persons ) are highly enamoured with the female gluteal region (2)
a thing about the internet generally is that while one may be browsing with specific regards to a particular specific subject matter one may run into detail .. images ..…
so whose imagery with the Disc Jockey DJ Music Equipment is .. was .. has been .. remains the greatest of and for all time ?
a thing about good D.J’sisthatthey sort of seem to bring life to the eventoccasioncelebrationgathering where they are operating as the D.J no matter the type of occasion it ise.g child…
Moriah Mills ohbee nm, it is technically .. theoretically .. and practically possible .. for one individual folk to – – at one and the same time – – hold the eeboe tribe Praise Titles of Ohgboo Aenyee, Ohgboo Aefee and Ohgboo Ahguh
shooting straight and shooting straight from the hip, Moriah Mills ohbee nm ( obi nm ) ( ohbee m ) ( obi m ) ( ohbeenm ) ( obinm )…
wishing all you superb folks around the world a HAPPY NEW 2025 Cheers !!!!!!!!! 🎷🎷🎷🎺🎺🎺🥂🥂🥂 wishing all you superb folks around the world a HAPPY NEW 2025 Cheers !!!!!!!!! 🎷🎷🎷🎺🎺🎺🥂🥂🥂…
Angel Reese obi nm, regarding SPORTS as a CAREER OPTION in NIGERIA (1)
very frankly, if we are going to do this in depth in detail then it is very likely that we are going to be doing a fair number of posts…
wishing all you superb folks around the world a MERRY CHRISTMAS 2024 Cheers !!!!!!!!! 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 wishing all you superb folks around the world a MERRY CHRISTMAS 2024 Cheers !!!!!!!!! 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲…
Angel Reese ohbee nm, it will be interesting to see if in the emerging future ONITSHA MARKET LITERATURE and the endeavour? of EDUCATION AS AN INDUSTRY will ever again hold in Igbo/Ibo language speaking Nigeria the relative/comparative prominence/pride of place that they individually and cumulatively held before the 1967 A.D to 1970 A.D period in the Igbo/Ibo language speaking areas of Nigeria ?
Angel Reese ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ) ( omalicha m ) ( omalicham), you know, the way stuff happens sometimes in this world is rather intriguing. and i use…
so .. tell me, Angel Reese omalicha nm .. does it still hold true without fail that a country gets the leadership it deserves ? and also tell me .. is the voice of the people ( vox populei ) still the voice of GOD ( vox DEI ) ? (2)
[ CONTINUED FROM (1) ] yeah really by the way .. also .. back in the day .. also .. for several years consistently, year in year out, the USA,…
so .. tell me, Angel Reese omalicha nm .. does it still hold true without fail that a country gets the leadership it deserves ? and also tell me .. is the voice of the people ( vox populei ) still the voice of GOD ( vox DEI ) ?
Angel Reese omalicha nm ( ormahleechar nm ), by way of general discourse, back in the day for several years consistently, year in year out, the USA, Canada, i.e North…
Roberta Flack omalicha nm, with regards to the current? status? of HISTORY now being taught again as an independent subject of study in Nigeria Primary Schools and in Nigeria Secondary Schools up to JSS 111 Class after which class it becomes an optional subject for the Nigeria Secondary Schools SSS years, it seems that there is much value in that historical prayer of Nigeria folks ancestors which prayed that GOD should not give them children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, etc that will make a mess of their efforts, struggles and victories in life
i really have no idea what it is/was exactly that led Nigeria folks ancestors to praying that/those prayers however it is a virtually universal prayer here in Nigeria among all…
Roberta Flack obi nm, if those circulating rumours contain veracity to the extent that the anti-black folks from black Africa countries xenophobia in RSA is being sponsored and fuelled behind-the-scenes by some racist white RSA groups/folks then black Africa needs to realise that, in real terms, the battle against apartheid is far from over and they need to come up with functional strategies to win this phase of the battle against supremacist activity in RSA and black Africa
Roberta Flack ohbee nm ( obi nm ) ( obi m ) ( obim ) there’s been some stuff on the internet and elsewhere that .. on the face of…
Chidimma Adetshina ohbee nm, it will be interesting to see .. in the emerging future .. if the Post Office Utility and the Posting of Letters via the Postal System will ever again be an integral component of the quotidian existence of the ordinary Nigeria Residents and ordinary Nigeria Citizens the way it was back in the day in the 1970s and 1980s
yeah really back in the day in the 1970s and in the 1980s the Postal System i.e the Postal Service was an integral component of the everyday daily life of…
Chidimma Adetshina omalicha nm, telephones in nigeria have undergone change from the dial type essentially stationary telephone to the mobile phone device and telephones have moved from being essentially a privilege to a generally available to the general public utility tool
Chidimma Adetshina ohbee nm, i suppose that regarding this post i should stay outside of the ambit of rumoursthe ambit of hear-say andstay squarely withinthe ambit of thatwhich i myself…
Chidimma Adetshina ohbee nm, if oral historical folk lores and rumours contain a truth to the extent that originally Negroland Africa females being in charge of the markets and farms, etc were highly empowered financially and thus contributed greatly to the development of their communities, then at a guess, developmental history / developmental economic history in Negroland Africa from say 1920? A.D to date 2024 A.D affirms the correctness of this original Negroland Africa approach and also affirms that there is a need to invest strongly in the continous socio-economic empowerment and continous socio-economic development of the Negroland Africa girl-child and the Negroland Africa female
one worrisome thing about Negroland Africa history is that seemingly for the most part it is not written down or documented or stored in a manner that makes empirical access…
Chidimma Adetshina nma nm, from the viewpoint of retrospective thinking, it’s probably best for any Nigeria female who wishes to participate in a Beauty Pageant to be very careful to check and confirm that the Pageant is sponsored / held by a responsible management so as to avoid a situation where she later regrets getting involved in the Beauty Pageant for one reason or the other
there have been rumours and rumours about the negative impacts that some Beauty Pageants have had on the female participants at such contests. the thing about rumours is that they…
you know, Chidimma Adetshina omalicha nm, as a general pondering .. it will be interesting to see if in the emerging future newspapers ever again become an integral every day necessity component of the live of the ordinary Nigeria citizen the way they were back in the 1970s and early 1980s
especially because today 2024 the concept of going to the newspaper vendor every morning and buying at least one newspaper to read so that you can get some information ..…
Chidimma Adetshina omalicha nm, at a guess, you are probably among the top 4 Nigeria beauty queens that have most captured the popular imagination of the general Nigeria Citizenry alongside Julie Coker, Bianca Onoh and Agbani Darego
Nigeria has produced many beauty queens over the past several years, however, in my own personal opinion, although very many of these ladies are in fact, in truth and in…
Chidimma Adetshina ohbee nm, musing further on this matter of a native Negroland Africa lingua franca language ….
Chidimma Adetshina nnmah nm ( nmah nm ) ( nma nm ) ( nnmah m ) ( nmah m ) ( nma m ) ( nmam), according to rumours some…
Chidimma Adetshina omalicha m, pertaining to some stuff posted up on the internet, it is my considered opinion that if His Excellency Senator Ben Murray Bruce is given the honour to host the 2025 Miss Universe Pageant HE CAN AND WILL HANDLE IT VERY WELL AND IN AN ABSOLUTELY SUPERB MANNER
🎯➡️pageant_analyst : (1️⃣) Respects and Greetings, Sir(s) and Madam(s). with all due respect to the individual perceptions/opinions/views of everyone on the subject matter that you have raised, it is my…
Chidimma Adetshina ohbee nm, pertaining to your winning the honourable Miss Universe Africa & Oceania title 2024 and winning the honourable First Runner-Up position for Miss Universe global 2024
📮✉️➡️ chichination_ : Respects and Greetings. to GOD be the Glory @chichi_vanessa is in reality BOTH : ✅️1️⃣ Miss Universe Africa and Oceania 2024 and ✅️2️⃣first runner up Miss Universe…
Gracie Bon ormahleechar nm, the impact of a person in life and the achievements of a person in life are neither a direct function of the physical height of that individual nor are they directly related to the height of that individual
🟩💃🏼 @graciebon : Respects. a superb video-clip. a beautiful video-clip. i’m not immediately very sure what that body weight in pounds translates to in kilogrammes as the formulae for (metric…
Segos Pumpkin a.k.a Resego Tshabadira ohbee nm, the quest by Negrolanders for a Negroland Africa lingua franca has merit and achieving it would probably require pragmatism, common sense, wisdom, tenacity of purpose, consistency of effort, forbearance, perseverance, patience (1)
at a guess, Segos Pumpkin a.k.a Resego Tshabadira eefeh artuh nm ( ife atu nm, this subject will probably require more than one post if we are going to attend…
Segos Pumpkin ohbee nm, there is key differential in the area of device use between the folklore from Negroland Africa and that from Europe / North America with regards to the Talking Mirror
i suppose, Segos Pumpkin a.k.a Resego Tshabadira ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ) ( omalicha m ), that any folk(s) any where in the world who have or have had access to fairy tales, folk…
ButterScotch UG nkem, the mind sometimes wonders if by the next 20 years ( 2044? ) Negroland Africa will have any identifiable vestiges or traces of it’s native cultures
🚩🟥@butterscotch_ug : Respects. very candidly, the impact of the Aryan Race / Caucasian Race / White People Race e.g ▼ USA people, ▼ Europe people ( .. Britain people, France…
ButterScotch UG omalicha nm, the Negroland Africa females deserve kudos for holding their own regarding content creation on the internet and social media despite many comparative structural disadvantages
🟥🚩@butterscotch_ug : Respects and Greetings. with all due respect, kudos should be given to the Negroland Africa female for holding her own despite structural disadvantages in Negroland Africa countries e.g…
ButterScotch ormahleechar nm, perhaps the ANGLO-PHONE COUNTRIES of NEGROLAND AFRICA should look at the possibility of operating a RECIPROCAL VISA ON ARRIVAL policy for citizens and residents of AngloPhone Negroland Africa countries travelling from their (i.e from other) AngloPhone Negroland Africa countries to their own countries
ButterScotch ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ) ( omalicha m ), arising from the exercise of a trip from Nigeria to Uganda and an earlier trip from Nigeria to Ghana …
ButterScotch obi nm, a guess is that, ultimately and overall, it is probably best that you post the sort of stuff you yourself personally like and prefer
📮✉️➡️ @ButterscotchUG : Respects. answering your question 👉🏿 usually, in the long run, it is better to post the sort of stuff you personally like and personally prefer as every…
a response to that post by BUTTERSCOTCH UG on the internet pertaining to a drink
NOTICE OF WORK IN PROGRESS : please note that while this piece has been posted, it is in fundamental essence and to all intents and purposes a WORK IN PROGRESS…
BUTTERSCOTCH UG ormahleechar nm, it may be of value in the ( already ) emerging future, if ECOWAS and EAC can put in place a procedure of VISA ON ARRIVAL for their residents and citizens operating across the two REGIONS
some time back in the day 2017, ButterScotch ohbee nm ( obi nm ) ( obi m ), ( obim ), i was opportuned to travel from NIGERIA to GHANA. …
Uganda Ladies are generally very beautiful, very hardworking, very polite, very diligent, very respectful and their Country Uganda is beautiful
rather candidly and rather frankly, it stands to reason that if a folk leaves his/her own Native Country .. Native Continent .. Native Village .. Native Town .. Native City…
the eeboe tribe sometimes affirm that a lady / girl / female folk mah-luh nnmah arnyah ahwhun uhtuhtuh i.e ( translating in sense of meaning) has the radiant beauty of the morning sunshine i.e ( translating essentially via a word-for-word basis ) beauties [the] beauty [of] [the] morning sunshine. so, do you affirm that, in particular, .?.?.? mah-luh nnmah arnyah ahwhun uhtuhtuh i.e ( translating in sense of meaning) has the radiant beauty of the morning sunshine ?
as far as i can understand an element of the EEBOE WORLD VIEW EEGBOE WORLD VIEW the eeboes i.e the eegboes have a deep appreciation of the SUN deep appreciation…
Salma Paralluelo nm, regarding the matter of any folk(s) who feel they are ( being ) attacked
first of all, there is a clear need to define that the folk(s) is/are not having psychological issue(s) or wrong/misleading perception about the reality of things. usually, this is very…
Beyonce nm, very frankly, while it is vital for a people who feel that they are ( being ) attacked to protect and defend themselves, it is also important for them to understand clearly that self-protection and self-defense should be done with wisdom, intelligence and strategy and should not provide further avenues for the perceived enemy / enemies to further destroy? or demolish? them
and Beyonce ormahleechar nm ( omalicha m ) ( omalicham), it is the fundamental observation around the world .. from one generation to another .. .. at all levels of…