Month: May 2024

Patti LaBelle ohbee nm ( obim ), of the circumstance that sometimes one requires the privilege to be able to perceive beyond superficial appearances, of a perception that at a point the Nigeria currency was indirectly based on gold and of a thinking that as rumours rumour that gold has been mined and is being mined by peasant miners and illegal? miners in Nigeria perhaps Nigeria should take advantage of the gold, diamonds?, etc within it’s landed territory and for example base the Nigeria Naira on gold. (1)

Patti LaBelle ohbee nm ( obim ), i am not really sure that there is much value in averring that entities … including parasitic?, extractive?, foreign governments in the interactions…

GRACIE BON ohbee nm ( obim ), sometimes in life when folks make choices their prevalent circumstances at the time that choice is being made narrows down the range of choices they have and/or the direction in which their choices/options can go. 

Graciebon  : with all due respect, Gracie  sometimes in life,  the choices that are person makes are a direct function of his/her prevalent circumstances and are also directly related to what…