Month: April 2021

you know, all told, i guess it’s a very good thing that here in Nigeria folks don’t wait for the administration before they get going on whatever it is those folks need to sort out for the upliftment of the quality of their living

becauseif you are waiting for the administration to do it for you you could actually spend an entire lifetime of over 150 years here on earth and still the administration…

Segos ohbee nm, at the end of the day, the attitudes of folks to person’s jobs is a direct function of the observe-able quality of life linked to the practioneers of the various professions [1]

by this, Segos ohbee nm, i mean to say that at the end of the day, in any economy / nation anywhere in the world the attitudes, perceptions and responses,…

it’s very un-fair, in-fact also very wrong and actually a cheating to say that men can and/or should marry women much younger than them but women can not and/or should not marry men much younger than them (1)

and there is no logical reason or logical basis for that posture and/or argument. i mean, where is the common sense and/or intelligence in that statement ? going by what…

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