is really a very un-necessary controversy
is in very many ways
an exemplar par excellence
how the homo-sapiens create issues when there is no need for any such issues to arise.

Cherokee D Ass a.k.a Yohanna Renee Kerr
Maserati. Jamaica citizen.

i mean, there is something called individual personal preference.

some people like coffee.

Mujeres que poseen los pechos más grandes del mundo - I... en Taringa!
Miosotis Claribel. Model
Miosotis Claribel
Ruby Roxx. Model
Persephanii Stephanie Nelson
Persephanii Stephanie Nelson

some people like tea.

doesn’t make
coffee better than tea
tea better than coffee.

some people like football ( soccer ).

Coco austin big tits |

some people like the sprints ( track & field ).

CurvyCurlyChrisy (@ChrisyCurves) | Twitter

Eudoxie Yao. Model. Singer. Musician. Actress.

doesn’t make
football ( soccer ) better than the sprints ( track & field )
the sprints ( track & field ) better than football ( soccer ).

among all the colours, some folks most prefer i.e like most the colour pink.

Pin on The best little whorehouse in Texas
Dolly Parton. ( when she was younger. quite a beauty )

among all the colours, some folks most prefer i.e like most the colour purple.

Did Dolly Parton ever get breast implants? Here's why singer said Virginia  Twins were 'killing' her after surgery | MEAWW
Dolly Parton is over 70 years old now as at 2021. as your own eyes can confirm to you, she is still quite a beauty at over 70 years old.

that doesn’t
make pink better than purple or
make purple better than pink.

it’s all a matter of individual personal preference.

and therefore that raging controversy is really very un-necessary.

i have always held the view that
you can not force a person to like what you like.
he / she will like whatever he/she likes.
and he / she will dis-like whatever he / she dis-likes.

the point is that
● sometimes you may have folks who agree with you exactly on what you like.
● at other times you may have folks who agree with you partially on what you like.
● at yet other times, you may have folks who do not agree with you at all in any way regarding what you like.

and even if you are a boss in an office
and you are a big bully type of boss who is
always forcing staff junior to you to agree with you
on how things are to be done
irrespective of their own personal views
on/as to your approach to the way and/or style for getting things done

what is actually happening there
is that the junior folks
don’t want to lose their jobs or
get into trouble with a senior staffer

they bury/submerge their own opinions/thinking and
agree with your style / approach.

that doesn’t mean
that they like what you do or
that they like what you like or
that they like how  you do your things.

it simply means that
they are using their common sense to avoid problems from you in the office

this reality tends to reflect whenever they get a chance
to show their own preferences

● when they leave the company to work in another company
● when over time,
they have been promoted at work and have now become big boys / big girls in the company who can influence policy and organizational practice without fear of reprisals from you

.. either perhaps
because you have left the organization
because, for example,
just as you are a head of a department,
they too are now heads of their own departments

are therefore not bound to follow your style or thinking in how they run their own departments.

and the entire organisation now sees very clearly that
when doing their thing
they now implement exactly what they like / prefer/ want
which is invariably usually totally quite different
from whatever it is/was you were implementing when you were their boss.

and like-wise for the controversy as to
who is
finer and/or more attractive
women with big arse/ass/eekay and

women with big breasts/boobs/arlah.

some folks naturally like women with big boobs/breasts/arlah.

Ruby Roxx. Canada Citizen. Model
Ruby Roxx. Canada Citizen. Model

some folks naturally like women with big arses/asses/eekay.

Natasha Stewart a.k.a Pebbelz Da Model.
Natasha Stewart a.k.a Pebbelz Da Model.

doesn’t make
women with big boobs/breasts
finer and/or more attractive
women with big arses/asses

Eudoxie Yao. Cote D’ivoire ( i.e Ivory Coast ) Citizen. Singer. Musician. Actress. Model.

nor does it make
women with big arses/asses
finer and/or more attractive women
women with big boobs/breasts.

and even if you want to
posit / operate / take a position
based on empirical data,

for example,
getting / using statistical data,

for example,
assaying the views of 100? .. 1,000? .. 10,000? .. men
in a given location
Onitsha, Nigeria

Pam Grier Vagina Nude - PORNO LOOK
Pam Grier. ( when she was younger. quite a beauty )

on who is finer and/or more attractive
women with big arses/asses and
women with big breasts/boobs

what that assay / analysis does
is only to tell you that in that particular location where
the random sampling of
the views/opinions of the men on who is finer and/or more attractive

women with big arses/asses and
women with big breasts/boobs
was carried out

these figures/values/statistics/data that you now have at hand
are the results of the/your survey.

Ruby Roxx

and those figures / data does not in any way guarantee that
if exactly the same  statistical assay is done in any other location
the results will be the same.

and so, for example
results of a random sampling survey done
to determine the opinion of men on
who is finer and/or more attractive
women with big arses/asess and
women with big breasts/boobs

yield different results in

Onitsha, Nigeria
Gstaad, Switzerland or

Bless This Mess' star Pam Grier dishes on country living
Pam Grier is over 70 years old now as at 2021. as your own eyes can confirm to you, she is still quite a beauty at over 70 years old.

and so, really it all boils down to :

you like this, that’s your own preference, that’s your own choice.
me I like this, that’s my own preference, that’s my own choice.
so, you just live your own life
and let me be to live my own life.

and in any case
it is an
argument that has a very limited scope
narrows the choice of beauty to :

[a] ladies with big breasts/arlah
ladies with big arses/asses/eekay

i mean,
what about the ladies that have both
big breasts/arlah and big arses/asses/eekay ?

are they not beautiful ?


is their beauty going to be dis-countenanced
the fellow talking has a
personal peculiarity? idiosyncrasy / preference
only big breasts/arlah
only big arses/eekay
depending on i.e according to his own peculiarities / idiosyncrasies.

and what about ladies with both
moderate sized breasts/arlah and moderate sized arses/asses/eekay ?
are they not beautiful ?

and what about ladies with both
small sized breasts/arlah and small sized arses/asses/eekay ?
are they not beautiful ?

is the beauty of a whole lot of beautiful ladies
going to be
the fellow talking has a personal peculiarity? / idiosyncrasy / preference
only big breasts/arlah

only big arses/eekay
depending on i.e according to his own peculiarities / idiosyncrasies.

in many ways,
dis-countenancing the beauty of a whole lot of beautiful ladies
the fellow talking has a personal peculiar? idiosyncrasy / preference
only big breasts/arlah or

Ruby Roxx. Canada Citizen. Model
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-90.png
Persephanii Stephanie Nelson. USA Citizen. Model.

only big arses/eekay
( depending on i.e according to his own peculiarities / idiosyncrasies )
is really nothing more than

an exercise in tom-foolery.

more so,
since at the end of the day

silly, irrelevant, un-necessary arguments and all

what it all boils down to really is :

you : you like this, that’s your own preference,
your own choice


me : me, i like this, that’s my own preference,
my own choice.

so, why? don’t you just mind your own business and live your own life
let me be to mind my own business and live my own life.

Segos Pumpkin a.k.a Resego Tshabadira
Pin en Curvy sexy
Cherokee D Ass a.k.a Yohanna Renee Kerr
Persephanii Stephanie Nelson

…. yeah

…. really

Persephanii Stephanie Nelson
Cherokee D Ass a.k.a Yohanna Renee Kerr

By sam

Samuel Ojekwe is essentially just your basic everyday fellow that you see in your neighbourhood while you go about doing your stuff and who, like you, wishes and hopes that the world becomes a better place for all of us.

48 thoughts on “that raging controversy about who is finer and/or more attractive between women with big arses/asses and women with big breasts/boobs”
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