the U.K has for several hundreds of years now been a leading world economy.
the economic and administrative capacity of Britain was demonstrated
per excellence globally
per excellence globally for hundreds of years
during the era of world history
in which
Britain owned and ran colonies across virtually the entire known world
such far away places from the Europe Continent
such far flung places from the Europe Continent
the North Americas sub-continent of the Americas Continent
( U.S.A and Canada are former colonies of Britain )
the Africa Continent
( Nigeria is a former colony of Britain )

the Australia Continent
( Australia is a former colony of Britain )
the Asia Continent
( India is a former colony of Britain )
( China?? is a former colony? of Britain ? .. perhaps Google Search can help us here — ref : Hong Kong and all )
etc, etc.
despite the ending of 2 major world eras
of internationally sourced economic resources and human resources,
viz :
(1) the trans-atlantic Negro Slave Trade Era
[ Britain was very contributory to the ending of the Negro Slave Trade .. please research the Abolition of the Slave Trade ]
(2) the Colonial Rule Era
[ with some countries e.g Nigeria only attaining self-rule i.e independence only as recently as 1960 i.e 63 years ago .. suggesting that a 65 year old U.K citizen or Nigeria citizen had already been born while Britain still directly ruled Nigeria ]
Britain has held it’s own economically
till date May 2023 remains a leading world economy.

it is therefore not surprising that many persons around the world
historically and currently
have much respect for Britain and for the British Economy
have much confidence in Britain and in the British Economy
have much interest in Britain and the British Economy
look up to and have much hope in Britain and the British Economy for their own very individual survival and for the survival of their businesses .. as may be applicable.
it is probably due to
some of these factors
all of these factors
many people around the world
.. including here in Nigeria, West[ern] Africa, Africa ..
followed the Britain / British electoral process
that led to the emergence of
Liz Truss as U.K Prime Minister
as closely as
their individual circumstances allowed them to
and the internet
were avenues through which
persons outside of Britain had some inclination as to
what was going on
pertaining to the Britain / British electoral process.
i suppose it is the absolute truth that
some of the issues were rather too? high? for the ordinary international follower of Britain
some of the issues were rather too? knowledge-demanding? for the ordinary international follower of Britain
all that stuff about
alternative? economic directions? / economic routes? / economic management approaches
for Britain.
many people around the world
.. including here in Nigeria, West[ern] Africa, Africa ..
had confidence in Britain and the British electoral process to
elect and select an appropriate leader.
i mean
… there were no rumours of voter repression / voter intimidation / voter suppression
… there were no rumours of electoral fraud
… the British citizenry is generally very knowledgeable and so should be able to identify the candidate that best understands it’s issues and profers seemingly best solutions to it’s challenges.
so when,
all said and done,
Liz Truss emerged as U.K Prime Minister
many people around the world
.. including here in Nigeria, West[ern] Africa, Africa ..
rested assured that
the British Electorate had done all the necessary critical thinking
and elected the candidate with the best economic programme for Britain.

you can imagine the shock around the world when
her administration embarked on the process of implementing
the VERY SAME POLICIES / POLICY she had outlined during the competitive process
based on which proposed economic template
the VERY SAME U.K had shortly earlier elected her into office
as DE FACTO U.K Prime Minister
the SAME U.K reacted negatively to
the VERY SAME POLICIES / POLICY she had earlier outlined, itemised and detailed.
economic growth for Britain ?
tax cuts ?
.. to free up revenue for bigger entities
which should then be re-invested by these larger entities into the British Economy
by employing more staff ?,
in purchasing more equipment ?,
etc ..
thus leading to a trickle-down stimulatory positive impact
on the general overall British Economy
sounds logical
sounds reasonable
if one googles “Trickle Down Economics and/or Trickle Down Economics Theory”
it is self-evident from the plethora of material that turns up that
this is an approach that is
documented and
researched as to it’s pros and cons.
so the questions became
what ?!?
what happened ?!?
how come ?!?
how come when the Liz Truss administration embarked on the process of implementing
the VERY SAME POLICIES / POLICY she had outlined during the competitive process
based on which proposed economic template
the VERY SAME U.K had shortly earlier elected her into office as DE FACTO U.K Prime Minister
the VERY SAME U.K reacted negatively ?!?

in a place like Nigeria???
where there
rumours of rumours
rumours about rumours
conspiracy theories
rumours of conspiracy theories
rumours about conspiracy theories
rumours of conspiracies???
rumours about conspiracies???
the rumour
would probably have gone to town by now that
some highly knowledgeable folks
some highly influential folks who can trigger the sort of effects they want in the British Economy
who did not want Liz Truss as U.K Prime Minister
who wanted / want another person other than Liz Truss as U.K Prime Minister
triggered negative reactions
in the British Economy
in parts? of the International? Economy?
to the announcement(s) by the Liz Truss administration of
the start of the implementation of
their economic programme(s)
designed to / structured to
economic growth for Britain

and featuring, amongst others,
tax cuts?
.. to free up revenue for bigger entities
which should then be re-invested by these larger entities into the British Economy
by employing more staff ?,
in purchasing more equipment ?,
etc ..

thus leading to
a trickle-down stimulatory positive impact
on the general overall British Economy
and ultimately to overall growth of and in the British Economy.

i suppose
this sort of
under-handed stuff
doesn’t happen in Britain ?
i suppose
this sort of
under-handed deliberate(d) manipulation
of the British Public and the British Economy
doesn’t happen in Britain ?
can not happen in Britain ?
probably ?
probably not ?
in any case,
… so much for an absence of rumours of voter repression / voter intimidation / voter suppression
… so much for an absence of rumours of electoral fraud
… so much for a British citizenry that is generally very knowledgeable
so should be able to identify
the candidate that best understands it’s issues
and profers seemingly best solutions to it’s challenges.
… so much for a British Electorate that does all it’s necessary critical thinking
elects the candidate with the best economic programme for Britain.
oh ! by the way,
i think Liz Truss is rather pretty and rather attractive.
do you hold a differing opinion ?