Month: December 2024

Angel Reese ohbee nm, it will be interesting to see if in the emerging future ONITSHA MARKET LITERATURE and the endeavour? of EDUCATION AS AN INDUSTRY will ever again hold in Igbo/Ibo language speaking Nigeria the relative/comparative prominence/pride of place that they individually and cumulatively held before the 1967 A.D to 1970 A.D period in the Igbo/Ibo language speaking areas of Nigeria ?

Angel Reese ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ) ( omalicha m ) ( omalicham), you know, the way stuff happens sometimes in this world is rather intriguing. and i use…

so .. tell me, Angel Reese omalicha nm .. does it still hold true without fail that a country gets the leadership it deserves ? and also tell me .. is the voice of the people ( vox populei ) still the voice of GOD ( vox DEI ) ? (2)

[ CONTINUED FROM (1) ] yeah really by the way .. also .. back in the day .. also .. for several years consistently, year in year out, the USA,…

so .. tell me, Angel Reese omalicha nm .. does it still hold true without fail that a country gets the leadership it deserves ? and also tell me .. is the voice of the people ( vox populei ) still the voice of GOD ( vox DEI ) ?

Angel Reese omalicha nm ( ormahleechar nm ), by way of general discourse, back in the day for several years consistently, year in year out, the USA, Canada, i.e North…

Roberta Flack omalicha nm, with regards to the current? status? of HISTORY now being taught again as an independent subject of study in Nigeria Primary Schools and in Nigeria Secondary Schools up to JSS 111 Class after which class it becomes an optional subject for the Nigeria Secondary Schools SSS years, it seems that there is much value in that historical prayer of Nigeria folks ancestors which prayed that GOD should not give them children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, etc that will make a mess of their efforts, struggles and victories in life

i really have no idea what it is/was exactly that led Nigeria folks ancestors to praying that/those prayers however it is a virtually universal prayer here in Nigeria among all…

Roberta Flack obi nm, if those circulating rumours contain veracity to the extent that the anti-black folks from black Africa countries xenophobia in RSA is being sponsored and fuelled behind-the-scenes by some racist white RSA groups/folks then black Africa needs to realise that, in real terms, the battle against apartheid is far from over and they need to come up with functional strategies to win this phase of the battle against supremacist activity in RSA and black Africa

Roberta Flack ohbee nm ( obi nm ) ( obi m ) ( obim ) there’s been some stuff on the internet and elsewhere that .. on the face of…

Chidimma Adetshina ohbee nm, it will be interesting to see .. in the emerging future .. if the Post Office Utility and the Posting of Letters via the Postal System will ever again be an integral component of the quotidian existence of the ordinary Nigeria Residents and ordinary Nigeria Citizens the way it was back in the day in the 1970s and 1980s

yeah really back in the day in the 1970s and in the 1980s the Postal System i.e the Postal Service was an integral component of the everyday daily life of…

Chidimma Adetshina omalicha nm, telephones in nigeria have undergone change from the dial type essentially stationary telephone to the mobile phone device and telephones have moved from being essentially a privilege to a generally available to the general public utility tool

Chidimma Adetshina ohbee nm, i suppose that regarding this post i should stay outside of the ambit of rumoursthe ambit of hear-say andstay squarely withinthe ambit of thatwhich i myself…

Chidimma Adetshina ohbee nm, if oral historical folk lores and rumours contain a truth to the extent that originally Negroland Africa females being in charge of the markets and farms, etc were highly empowered financially and thus contributed greatly to the development of their communities, then at a guess, developmental history / developmental economic history in Negroland Africa from say 1920? A.D to date 2024 A.D affirms the correctness of this original Negroland Africa approach and also affirms that there is a need to invest strongly in the continous socio-economic empowerment and continous socio-economic development of the Negroland Africa girl-child and the Negroland Africa female

one worrisome thing about Negroland Africa history is that seemingly for the most part it is not written down or documented or stored in a manner that makes empirical access…

Chidimma Adetshina nma nm, from the viewpoint of retrospective thinking, it’s probably best for any Nigeria female who wishes to participate in a Beauty Pageant to be very careful to check and confirm that the Pageant is sponsored / held by a responsible management so as to avoid a situation where she later regrets getting involved in the Beauty Pageant for one reason or the other

there have been rumours and rumours about the negative impacts that some Beauty Pageants have had on the female participants at such contests. the thing about rumours is that they…

you know, Chidimma Adetshina omalicha nm, as a general pondering .. it will be interesting to see if in the emerging future newspapers ever again become an integral every day necessity component of the live of the ordinary Nigeria citizen the way they were back in the 1970s and early 1980s

especially because today 2024 the concept of going to the newspaper vendor every morning and buying at least one newspaper to read so that you can get some information ..…

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