Month: February 2025

Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, at a guess the Adroit Management of a National Economy necessitates a good understanding of the interplay of External Factors and Internal Factors as well as a brilliant, far-sighted handling of the Domestic Internal Factors that can trigger, sustain and continuously catalyze Economic Growth

Respects and Greetings,Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr,Rihanna nkeh m o-foo sor-sor,Rihanna nkem ofu soso, it may perhaps be of some value if i indicate upfronti.eif i indicate here and now…

Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, according to rumours, the attitudes to and acceptance of Aryan/Caucasian Style Education in the different areas of Nigeria varied .. and still? varies today February 14 2025 .. in the different areas of Nigeria and this has had .. and still has as at date .. impact on Nigeria socially, economically, politically, socio-economically, socio-politically and politico-economically

Respects and Greetings,Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr,Rihanna nkeh m o-foo sor-sor,Rihanna nkem ofu soso, it may perhaps be of some value if i indicate upfronti.eif i indicate here and now…

Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, attitudes to and perceptions of careers / professions have changed here in Nigeria in the immediately past 60 years .. and are still changing presently .. so i guess folks should put their best foot forwards and roll with the times and also try to do futuristic planning if they can

Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr,Rihanna nkem ofu soso,this subject matter may require a fair number of posts if we want to really get down on it and considering limitations such…

Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, regarding that IMAGERY OF YOU wearing BRASSIERES UNTOP OF A SHIRT on the internet circa ELEVEN MONTHS AGO BACK IN THE DAY APRIL 9 2024

Rihanna nnkeh nm ohfoo sorr-sorr, Rihanna nkem ofu soso, regarding that IMAGERY OF YOU wearing BRASSIERES UNTOP OF A SHIRT on the internet circa ELEVEN MONTHS AGO BACK IN THE…

look, Moriah Mills nm, arguments can be made FOR and AGAINST any IDEA or PRACTICE, however COMMON SENSE .. where it exists .. and FAIR UNBIASED ASSAY of the RESULTS of the CHOSEN LINES OF ACTION tend to demonstrate the OVERALL EFFICACY or OTHERWISE of the CHOSEN LINES OF ACTION

yeah really the BASIC TRUTH isthat arguments can be made FORi.eIN SUPPORT OF and/or AGAINSTi.eCONTRARY TO any IDEACONCEPTVIEW PRACTICEPROCEEDURE however COMMON SENSE( where it exists ) and FAIR UNBIASED ASSAYof…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO ) (4)

very candidly, Moriah Mills nnmah nm ( nma nm ), i am not at all sure how the EEBOE / EEGBOE speak in reference to a FOLK who has TRAVELLED…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO ) (3)

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ), at this juncture i guess that it may be of some value to mention that there is a DIALECT of the IGBO…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO ) (2)

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ), let’s take a look at those two (2) words OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH OBODO OYIBO OHBOHDOH = OBODO = Country although it may also…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO )

Moriah Mills ohbee nm ( obim ),i guess the best approach tolooking at the interactions of the EEBOE / EEGBOEwith the■ OUTSIDE WORLD■ OUTSIDE OF EEBOELAND WORLD■ OUTSIDE OF EEGBOELAND…