men and women are not equals in Nigeria.

men and women have never been equals in Nigeria.

although the oral history of some among the 250-plus tribes historically native to the Nigeria Area throw up names of women i.e females who have at some point in their own history reigned over them and ruled them, by and large, for the most part, men and women have never really being truly equals and are as at today 2020 still not yet truly equals.

so much for gender equality.

the un-challenge-able reality is that
there are 250-plus indigenous native tribes in Nigeria with the most populous among them being
● the Igbo ( Ibo )
● the Yoruba
● the Hausa
● the Fulani ?

and you may, if you wish,
add all of the education that you will.
and also add all of the enlightenment that you will.

and then take a look at Nigeria .. a clear, in-sight-ful look .. at all the 250-plus indigenous native tribes in Nigeria with particular attention to ● the Igbo ( Ibo ), ● the Yoruba, ● the Hausa, ● the Fulani ? and see if your eyes tell you that men and women are truly equals in and across all Nigeria.

among my own tribe i.e the Igbo ( Ibo ), there are clear tell-tale signs to this historical and current gender in-equality. for example :

█ in the Igbo ( Ibo ) language speaking parts of Nigeria,
if a married woman is unfortunate that her husband dies before her, some wicked and heartless people who call themselves the kins-men of her husband or the clans-men of her husband will rise up and drive away the woman / women and her children from her husband’s house and take over the house and all his entire landed property/properties.

this is no joke.
this is for real.
it has happened in the past.
and it is still? happening? today? 2020?.

some ladies are lucky that they married into nice families.
so if and when their husbands die, the family members rally round them and rise and defend them against any heartless and wicked people who wish to throw them out of their husbands house(s), land(s) and property/properties.

however, that there are one or two such lucky ladies does not take away from the reality that
despite and inspite of the rumoured existence of
legal? provisions? i.e rulings? in the laws? of the Igbo/Ibo-language speaking states of Nigeria against? this wicked practice,
there are a very high number of women who have been thrown out of their husbands houses and properties after the death of their husbands by wicked, vile, heart-less kins-men and clans-men of their husband.

nor does it take-away from the reality that currently in 2020 and going beyond 2020 into the future,
there are a number of women that if ( .. GOD FORBID.. ) their husbands die, will find themselves being thrown out of their husbands houses and properties after the death of their husbands by wicked, vile, heart-less kins-men and clans-men of their husband
despite and inspite of the rumoured existence of
legal? provisions? i.e rulings? in the laws? of the Igbo/Ibo-language speaking states of Nigeria against? this wicked practice.

█ in the Igbo ( Ibo ) language speaking parts of Nigeria,
women i.e females are not allowed to inherit landed properties and houses / buildings from their late dad. this wicked and heartless practice applies even where the late father had only female children and/or no surviving male offspring at the time of his death, an instance in which the clans-men / kins-men of the late fellow will then deliberate among themselves and decide who amongst them will take over the late fellow’s house(s) and properties completely ousting his female children i.e his daughters from inheriting their fathers house(s) and property/properties.

it is rumoured that there are legal? provisions? i.e rulings? in the laws? of the Igbo/Ibo-language speaking states of Nigeria against? this wicked practice. still by and large, it would seem that it is only some ladies who are lucky that their families are nice families that inherit from among the house(s) and property/properties of their late dad with his passing on to greener pastures.

and these ones are the few lucky ladies that when their dads die, the family members rally round them and rise and defend them against any heartless and wicked people who wish to dis-inherit them i.e stop them from inheriting from among their late father’s house(s), land(s) and property/properties.

that is Igbo/Ibo speaking Nigeria.

Gender In-Equality may not quite be so blatant in other places but it does exist. for example, as recently as 2016? the erudite and beautiful U.S.A Hillary Clinton entered the history books of the USA as and for being the first female/woman in all the entire over 100 years old history of the USA to run for the office of the President of the USA on the platform of a major USA political party.

make no mistake about it, there is Gender In-equality in the USA.

whether in the rumoured instances of females receiving less pay/wages/salary than males for doing exactly the same job(s) as males or in repression?  that has until just fairly recently has stopped them from running for the office of President of the USA on the platform of a major USA political party, Gender In-equality or the so-called “Glass Ceiling” exists in the USA.

looks like this issue of un-equal treatment of males and females is an issue that humanity is going to need to address with decency and integrity and fairness.  

By sam

Samuel Ojekwe is essentially just your basic everyday fellow that you see in your neighbourhood while you go about doing your stuff and who, like you, wishes and hopes that the world becomes a better place for all of us.


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