you know that sort of
► tells you something about the quality of life all those black, negro africans were living in their own black, negro african countries before they decided to embark on that ardous trip, doesn’t it ?
►tells you something about the standard of life all those black, negro africans were living in their own black, negro african countries before they decided to embark on that ardous trip, doesn’t it ?
►tells you something about the “state of hopelessness” all those black, negro africans were feeling in and living in in their own black, negro african countries before they decided to embark on that ardous trip, doesn’t it ?
►tells you something about the “state of desperation” all those black, negro africans were living in their own black, negro african countries before they decided to embark on that ardous trip, doesn’t it ?

you know that sort of also tells you something about the sort of
● social deprivation
● economic deprivation
● socio-economic deprivation
● financial deprivation
● material deprivation
● social poverty
● economic poverty
● socio-economic poverty
● financial poverty
● material poverty
● lack of opportunity
● lack of economic opportunity
● lack of financial opportunity
● lack of social opportunity
● lack of opportunity in their own society
● lack of socio-economic opportunity
whether real ( usually more often than not the case / situation )
or imagined ( psychological ? .. imaginary ? )
all those black, negro africans were living in their own black, negro african countries before they decided to
hustle hard
hustle real hard
and put together the high amounts of money
( .. rumoured to be on the average about $17,000??? to $20,000??? and more ??? depending on which country you are starting off from .. )
required to embark on that ardous trip, doesn’t it ?
you know, any which way you look at it, $17,000 is a lot of money in many countries of the world whether in Asia, the Americas, Europe, Oceania, Africa or elsewhere.
if you use a base-line of say Nigeria Naira 300 = United States of America Dollar 1 to convert those figures, you get, for example that $ 17,000 = $17,000 x 300 = N5,100,000.
N5,100,000 is no chicken feed in Nigeria.
and it is certainly not every single Nigeria resident that can hustle and put that kind of money together .. even if they hustle through-out all their lives ( .. and this is no curse or evil pronouncement or derogatory remark ).
so, it sort of tells you two things, viz :
[a] the sort of basic, natural ingenuity, dynamism and entrepreneurial, business and/or trading flair that these black, negro, african young men and women have via which they put this sort of huge amount of money together IN ECONOMIES / COUNTRIES WHERE THEY WERE FEELING DESPERATE AND UNDER-PRIVILEDGED? IN
[b] the level of lack of faith and lack of faith for a better tomorrow that they have pertaining to their black, negro, African countries that when they put together this sort of money THEY DON’T INVEST OR RE-INVEST IN THAT COUNTRY OR ANY OTHER BLACK, NEGRO AFRICAN COUNTRY
but instead

it also makes you wonder :
◙ crossing the sahara desert by land ?????????
◙ don’t these folks know anything about how arid the sahara desert is historically rumoured to be ?
◙ haven’t they heard any of the stories and rumours of hundreds of thousands of folks throughout the years of history that died of thirst, hunger and starvation somewhere in the sahara desert while trying to cross that sahara desert by land .. either on camel back or horse back or in some un-believable cases on foot ??
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