Persephanii Stephanie Nelson ohbee nm ( obi m) ( obim), while it is a good and laudable response of
.. ( e.g mongoloid .. mongol i.e chinese, korean, japanese type asians,
asiatic i.e india,sri lanka, bangladesh, pakistan type asians,
negroes i e blacks, including
congo pygmies, australia aborigines, steatopygia body-type female hottentots? i.e the females of the hottentots? tribe of Southern Africa who genetically and historically generally have very beautiful and very large buttocks
aryans i.e caucasians / whites
etc ) ..
who has been or is
to fight against it
perhaps it should also be noted that
there is a possibility that the aryan co-workers in the negro woman’s office
naturally liked the negro female’s african hair worn in the natural state
and were just genuinely expressing a liking for it.
in this regards, remember that :
(1) one time white folks used to body-shame negroes as having THICK LIPS.
now with lipo-suction technology and related technology, white women can increase the size of their lips to be fuller and more filled out just like the natural negro lips are.
since this technology became widely available a fair number of aryans around the world have used it on their lips and the body-shaming attacks against the lips of negroes has virtually almost completely disappeared world-wide.
(2) one time white folks used to body-shame negro women as ALWAYS SHAKING THEIR BUTTOCKS AND WAISTS WHILE DANCING.
now TWERKING is the rage all over the world and aryan women ( and other women e.g chinese women, japanese women, etc ) have studied the negro dance and can shake their buttocks and their waists as well as any negro female i.e they can TWERK as magnificently as any negro female
and all that attack against the buttocks shaking and waist movements of the female negro dance has virtually almost completely disappeared world-wide.
(3) historically dating back to the black slaves era in USA and Europe, white folks used to body-shame negro females as ALWAYS HAVING BIG BREASTS AND BIG BUTTOCKS.
as a result, many caucasian females ( and other women ) world-wide have had breast enlargement and buttocks enlargement proceedures
and they can just about match any negro female for big breasts size and big buttocks size through these plastic surgery proceedures
and big breasts and big buttocks have since become fashionable globally
and the body-shaming attacks against “black mammys” with “big breasts full of sweet milk” and “big sexy buttocks” have virtually almost completely disappeared world-wide.
(4) historically, white folks used to body-shame black folks i.e negroes for HAVING BROWN and/or DARK BROWN and/or BLACK SKIN. at some point, some white folks discovered that if they stay for long hours in the sun their skin gets darker and looks more like the negro skin.
i think the white folks call it TANNING or GETTING A SUN TAN.
since that discovery many white folks around the world try to stay for as many hours as is possible in the sunlight and it is a common sight at beaches and pool sides internationally to see white folks SUN-BATHING i.e lying on a long chair or on a bed or on a mat in the sun for long hours so that their skin can darken.
as a matter of fact, there is a whole area of science, technology, economic investment, financial investment and related enterprise channelled to the production and marketing of tanning lotions and tanning skin-creams.
with the greater availability of this information and these tanning lotions across the caucasian world and across the sphere of existence of other races in the world with skins lighter in colour than the negro skin,
the body-shaming attacks against black folks for having brown, dark brown or black skin have virtually almost completely disappeared world-wide.
as a matter of fact, Persephanii nnkeh nm ( nkeh m ) ( nke m ) ( nkem ), there is a superb aryan race lady that i follow via social media who has in fact both :
(a) changed her skin completely from the Aryan white skin to a dark brown negro skin
(b) enlargened her breasts to a size so large that they are now far, far, biger than your own very gig breasts.
the name of this lady is MARTINA BIG. you can google it to check and confirm.
she now goes by the name MALAIKA KUBWA ( which are Negroland Africa names ).
and she has relocated from EUROPE or USA/the AMERICAS to KENYA in EASTERN AFRICA.
(5) historically, white folks used to body-shame blacks folks as always HAVING GLEAMING WHITE TEETH. with advances in science, technology, dentistry and dental surgery, etc many white folks can now keep their teeth gleaming white and reasonably strong.
since the increased availability of these scientific and dentistry proceedures became manifest around the world many white folks and Asians etc have taken advantage of them and also keep appointments with their dentists to ensure that they have gleaming white, strong, healthy teeth.
and since then the body-shaming attacks by white folks ( and other folks ) against black folks for always having gleaming white teeth has virtually completely disappeared world-wide.
you know, Persephanii nnmaah nm ( nmah m ) ( nma m ) ( nmam ),
there are instances when
white folks,
mulattoes i.e half-castes i.e mixed-breeds
have been heard to say that
they really like the “wooly negro hair” and that
the “wooly, curled negro hair” is far easier to manage and maintain than their own hair types which some of them ( usually the caucasians and some asians ) have complained? about as sometimes being greasy.

so, Persephanii ormahleechar nm ( omalicha m ) ( omalicham ),
there may just have been a possibility that those white aryan office colleagues of the black negro female in the video you are referring to may have actually liked the “wooly, curled hair” of the negro female .. especially in that grown-out length that it is in the video and wanted to touch it, feel it and run their hair through her “thick, afro hair “ without meaning any dis-respect to the negro lady.
there is that possibility.
although, it may also have been a diplomatic-style body-shaming act against the negro female.
since you and i can not read what exactly was deep in their hearts and/or minds at that time i am not sure that
it is 100% right to condemn their action or that
it is 100% right to defend them as merely expressing out physically a genuine liking for the negro hair type.
having said that,
Persephanii aezeegboh ohbee nm ( aezigboh obi m ) ( aezigboh obim ) ( ezigbo obim ),
it seems to me that that name in that linked post / video there JACKIE AINA is the name of a yoruba-tribe person
from either
Yoruba-land, Nigeria, Western Africa or
Yoruba-land, Republic of Benin, Western Africa
or is a name belonging to
a USA citizen either naturalized or born in the USA who has a
distinct yoruba-tribe genealogy
as the name AINA is a yoruba tribe name which is often answered as a surname here in Nigeria.
taking it from that angle, Persephanii Stepanie Nelson nm,
i wonder what the reaction of the staff and management of
any corporate office
either in the private sector or public ( government sector )
e.g Shell Petroleum or Ministry of Works
here in Nigeria

either in Yoruba-land e.g Lagos, Ibadan, Abeokuta, Akure, Ekiti
in Igbo-land / Ibo-land / Eeboe-land / Eegboe-land / Eboe-land / Egboe-land
in Ibibio-land
in Efik-land
in Tiv-land
in Igala-land
in Idoma-land
in Jukun-land
in Hausa-land
anywhere else in Nigeria
would be to that lady if she showed up in the office with her hair like that
without any reasonable explanation as to why her hair is
looking rather un-kempt ? like that

as here in Nigeria women usually wear their hair very neatly as
hand-weaved hair,
pleated hair / weave-ons,
hair-dressed hair e.g permed hair, braids, etc
cover it up with a head-tie, etc
use a wig .. including afro hair style wigs if they wish.
Persephanii eefeh artuh nm ( ife atu m ) ( ife atum ), you can google women’s hair in Nigeria to see how women usually keep their hair here in Nigeria and you will see that women keep their hair very neat and very attractive in different hair-styles.
by this, Persephanii ornyeh artuh nm ( onye atu m ) ( onye atum ),
i mean to say decidedly that
that woman’s hair looks to me, in my own personal opinion, like she couldn’t make it to the hair-dresser before going to office
i would also guess that some folks here in Nigeria will
– if they see her hair like that –
ask hair why she didn’t groom it properly before coming to work

and i sort of decidedly find it difficult to understand why her hair is looking some-what un-kempt? like that?
unless of course, it is some sort of fancy hair-style designed to look that way
that is – if it is that she didn’t leave it that way because for one reason or the other she didn’t have the time to visit her hair-dresser’s before heading to the office.

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