very frankly,
your guess is as good as mine.

yeah ………
really ………

i suppose it is not a compliment
but rather
a statement of fact

to say that
🟩[1.1] PEBBELZ DA MODEL imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.2] NICKI MINAJ a.k.a ONIKA TANYA MARAJ imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.3] BEYONCE imagery in Police Officer Uniform is absolutely superb

🟩[1.4] COSSY ORJIAKOR imagery in Police Officer Uniform is absolutely superb

🟩[1.5] CHEROKEE D ASS a.k.a YOHANNA RENEE KERR imagery in Police Officer Uniform is absolutely superb

🟩[1.6] MIOSOTIS CLARIBEL imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.7] SARA JAY imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.8] MORIAH MILLS imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.9] CHIOMA LOV imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.10] DOMINIQUE CHINN imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.11] COCO ( NICOLE ) AUSTIN imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.12] CHRISY CHRIS imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.13] PERSEPHANII STEPHANIE NELSON imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

🟩[1.14] VICTORIA CAKES imagery in Police Officer Uniform
is absolutely superb

when it comes to
taking due consideration of the passage of time
since and between
the emergence of these imagery
.. in the instance of each absolutely superb beauty and model ..
in the international public space
and arriving at a
🟢 firm
🟢 logical
🟢 empirically defensible
🟢 decision and/or conclusion
as to which beautiful model‘s Police Officer Uniform imagery
is the overall best
i would say,
quite candidly,
it’s a tough call.
in any case,
🟩🟩[2.1] here are some PEBBELZ DA MODEL Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.2] here are some BEYONCE Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.3] here are some COCO ( NICOLE ) AUSTIN Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.4] here are some SARA JAY Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.5] here are some MORIAH MILLS Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.6] here are some DOMINIQUE CHINN Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.7] here are some PERSEPHANII STEPHANIE NELSON Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.8] here are some CHRISY CHRIS Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.9] here are some VICTORIA CAKES Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.10] here are some CHIOMA LOV Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.11] here are some NICKI MINAJ a.k.a ONIKA TANYA MARAJ
Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.12] here are some COSSY ORJIAKOR Police Officer Uniform imagery
🟩🟩[2.13] here are some MIOSOTIS CLARIBEL Police Officer Uniform imagery

🟩🟩[2.14] here are some CHEROKEE D ASS a.k.a YOHANNA RENEE KERR Police Officer Uniform imagery

one striking thing about all of these imagery
one noticeable thing about all of these imagery
is that
they all look as if they were done today just right now.
clearly, the ever-green nature of the imagery is testimony to
their relevance.
i am not at all sure if it is possible to identify
the exact year in which
each of these imagery was done.
🟩🟩🟩[3.1] the Beyonce imagery was done in 2008?

that’s 2023 – 2008 = 15 years ago
as at date January 2023.
the fact that it looks very fresh and very current
together with
the fact that it compares very favourably with
any and all such imagery done before the year 2008 period, if any,
any and all such imagery done after the year 2008 period, if any,
is further testimony to and of the high quality of the imagery.
please note that while this piece has been posted,
it is in fundamental essence
to all intents and purposes
and shall thus be updated and edited
from time to time accordingly
until such a time that the work stands or can stand for itself

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