the thing about opinion
is that
it does not necessarily have to be 100% absolutely correct.
and also,
the expressed opnion does not necessarily have to have
the 100% concurrence
100% absolute support
of all those who hear it / come across it.
be that as it may
it is however a fundamental human right of the individual
he/she has the right to freedom of opinion
it is also a fundamental human right of the individual
he/she has the right to freedom of expression.
what this means essentially
is that
every one has the right to have an opinion and/or opinions
what this also means in real terms
is that
every one has the right to have an opinion and/or opinions
on an/any issue and/or on (any)issues
… whether you agree or disagree with that opinion or those opinions
what this additionally also means essentially
is that
every one has the right to
express himself or herself
what this additionally also means in real terms
is that
every one has the right to express his/her own opinion and/or opinions
on an/any issue and/or on (any) issues
… whether you agree or disagree with
that expression / expressed opinion
those expressions / expressed opinions.
it is a good thing for humanity
.. at least for those human beings not in the bondage of human slavery or other simillar repression ..
the individual has a fundamental human right of
freedom of opinion
… whether or not those who hear or aware of or become aware of that opinion or those opinions
agree or disagree with that opinion or those opinions.
it is also a good thing for humanity
.. at least for those human beings not in the bondage of human slavery or other simillar repression ..
the individual has a fundamental human right of
freedom of expression
… whether or not those who hear or aware of or become aware of
that expression / expressed opinion
those expressions / expressed opinions
agree or disagree with
that expression / expressed opinion
those expressions / expressed opinions.
the other day recently
the superb writer, novelist and author
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
expressed an opinion / opinions via a
publication in the U.S.A Atlantic Times newspaper.
as at date April 2023
if one scrolls / browses to
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s social media pages
her facebook page
her twitter page
her instagram page
one can see a mention of the said article there.

the interested reader can get to the article by :
(a) going / browsing directly to
searching for the article there
(b) clicking directly on the link address
(c) via the link addresses to the article posted at her social media pages, viz :
instagram, twitter, facebook.
since the reader of the article also has
the fundamental human right of
freedom of opinion
the reader is free to form and have his/her opinion
on the article and it’s content.
since the reader of the article also has
the fundamental human right of freedom of expression
the reader is free to express his/her opinion
on the article and it’s content.
me personally
i found the article to be an interesting read
however i held .. and hold .. the opinion that
it is only just routine? normal basic diplomatese
it is only just routine? normal basic standard proceedure
the interaction between nations
the interaction between states
the interaction between nation states
the interaction between countries
especially between countries that have
economic ties
social ties
military ties
educational ties
for Presidents of countries
for Prime Ministers of countries
congratulate emergent winners of
Presidential Elections / Prime Ministerial Elections
in those countries with which they have
economic ties
social ties
military ties
educational ties

if the interested individual keys in
“reactions to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s article in the Atlantic Newspaper”
at/into Google Search
whole lots of stuff come up.
some of this stuff are responses to her article
from and by
persons who agree with the article and it’s contents.
some of this stuff are responses to her article
from and by
persons who dis-agree with the article and it’s contents.
some of this stuff are responses to her article
from and by
persons who agree partially / partly / in parts with the article and it’s contents.
some of this stuff are responses to her article
from and by
persons who dis-agree partially / partly / in parts with the article and it’s contents.
all told,
whatever may be the disposition
of the individual reader to
the article and it’s content
one inference that is derivative from
going through the
the high? quantum of stuff
that shows up
one clicks
“reactions to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s article in the Atlantic Newspaper”
at/into Google Search
is that
the article generated the interest of many persons
in itself and it’s content
and also
in some instances
galvanised the reader into
producing a written response
fully in support of it
fully against it
partially / partly in support of it
partially / partly against it