Month: September 2024

the eeboe tribe sometimes affirm that a lady / girl / female folk mah-luh nnmah arnyah ahwhun uhtuhtuh i.e ( translating in sense of meaning) has the radiant beauty of the morning sunshine i.e ( translating essentially via a word-for-word basis ) beauties [the] beauty [of] [the] morning sunshine. so, do you affirm that, in particular, .?.?.? mah-luh nnmah arnyah ahwhun uhtuhtuh i.e ( translating in sense of meaning) has the radiant beauty of the morning sunshine ?

yeah. really. going forwards,in no particular order of precedence i.e .. in no particular order .. (1.1) do you .. agree .. affirm thatSALMA PARALLUELOmah-luh nnmah arnyah ahwhun uhtuhtuh i.e(…

Beyonce nm, very frankly, while it is vital for a people who feel that they are ( being ) attacked to protect and defend themselves, it is also important for them to understand clearly that self-protection and self-defense should be done with wisdom, intelligence and strategy and should not provide further avenues for the perceived enemy / enemies to further destroy? or demolish? them

and Beyonce ormahleechar nm ( omalicha m ) ( omalicham), it is the fundamental observation around the world .. from one generation to another .. .. at all levels of…

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