and so again,

NAOMI OSAKA, fine babe,

[1] QUESTION : in what year did this happen ?
[1] ANSWER : 2020

[2] QUESTION : did you or anyone else see i.e observe
any sleights of hand ?
and /or
any other shenanigans or simillar charlatan-type magic
by the match umpire ?

[2] ANSWER : no
[3] QUESTION : so she won on merit
[3] ANSWER : yep. merit. pure merit. clean. clear.

[4] QUESTION : who did she compete against in the finals match ?

[5] ANSWER : yep. VIKA.
yours truly :
VICTORIA AZARENKA, world super-star.

[6] QUESTION : and where was The Greatest Of All Time ; SERENA WILLIAMS ?
when all this was happening ?
out essentially due to a knee, foot, leg or waist injury ? or a fall ? or something that affected her game negatively ?
[6] ANSWER : SERENA was right there – LIVE.
she had been beaten / defeated by VIKA in the SEMI-FINALS
and after that VIKA moved on into the FINALS to face NAOMI

[7] QUESTION : wow !!!!!!!!!
are you going to do a WINNER O O O for NAOMI ?

and what about VIKA ?
she deserves a WINNER O O O too

for taking second place
for everything
i.e for hanging in there and doing a come back like this one.

and what about your darling SERENA ?
are you going to leave her out of the WINNER O O O’s ?

after-all she didn’t win either
she was leading VIKA 6-1
before she lost focus?
applied a defective? strategy?
lost the second match/set of the game 3-6 to VIKA
who had the superior strategy for the match and day,
applied it and
manifested it as a winning strategy
to beat SERENA in an un-argue-able winning 6-3 game
in the 3rd match/set of the game ?
[7] ANSWER : don’t know yet.
this ” telepathy thing “ is giving me certain vibes in that regards
that i am not sure i understand why they are all sending me
those finitely precise thought-waves
making me remember that hit-track from
one black USA music group back in the day
that had some lyrics that went something like :
my mind’s playing tricks on me ……
[8] QUESTION : notice any interesting thing about that
NAOMI’s winning score-line 1-6, 6-3, 6-3 over VIKA in the FINALS MATCH ?
wasn’t that exactly the same
VIKA’s i.e VICTORIA’s winning score-line 1-6, 6-3, 6-3 over SERENA in their SEMI-FINALS MATCH ?
[8] ANSWER : yeah.
SERENA seems to have this ability
to dictate the pace of a match / game and
determine the exact scores of the match.
maybe NAOMI has the same gift / talent too
and is just about beginning to display it in the public space.
who knows ?
time will tell.
interesting too that
there was a write-up at the US Open website
the N.OSAKA vs. V.AZARENKA match
didn’t read the article though
but when you realize that
technical competence,
on-court game strategy,
off-court manoeuvrings,
common sense .. just plain, ordinary, simple old common sense ..,
state of physical fitness,

all combine
to play a role
in determining the winner
in sports competitions
with the net result that
the best player / most talented player may not win a competition
it is usually the best competitor who wins
.. sometimes with lesser talent ..
but with
superior strategy,
superior technical understanding,
superior mental preparedness to win,
superior mind-set geared-ness to win.

and you know,
any organisation that runs a web-site,
by and large pretty much has
the free-will to determine what they write / put up on their website or not
… especially where they do not owe any allegiance
e.g financial allegiance, etc
to anyone.
all the same,
you know,
if websites are putting up write-ups about EGO
then you sort of guess that
in all fair-ness
maybe an article
should also have been done
either by them or by someone else i.e by some other entity
somewhere that SERENA would very likely see it
and read it
before that V.AZARENKA vs. S.WILLIAMS match.

[9] QUESTION : so are you going to do a WINNER O O O ?
[9] ANSWER : not sure yet.
depends on the final decision from them all via their “telepathy thing”.
sounds crazy, doesn’t it ?
in any case, i’m still trying to figure out why
NIGERIA is still so un-willing to provide 24 hours a day affordable electricity across all Nigeria.
there was hardly any electricity at all here
Oyadiran Estate, Sabo, Yaba,
Lagos State, Yoruba-land, Nigeria
on that
SAT.12.09.(SEP).2020 day of the match.
the electricity providers gave us electricity for
maybe? 3 hours?
sometime in the later afternoon / early evening hours
of that
SAT.12.09.(SEP).2020 day of the finals match
about 30? minutes before the match was due to start
the electricity went off
the electricity black-out lasted
well into the evening maybe? 06:30? PM of the next day
those Nigerians that
life, nature and God
have placed in positions to administer Nigeria
seem to
by and large have deliberately decided :
(a) not to invest in up-lifting the quality of utilities across all Nigeria
(b) not to put in place world-class infrastructure across all Nigeria
this sheer incompetence that is being seen
in the incessant and frequent electricity power outages across all Nigeria
● despite the oil wealth and natural resources wealth of Nigeria
● despite the abundance of engineers, technicians, technocrats, administrators of Nigeria origin,
● despite the sufferings of Nigeria residents due to the
absence and/or in-efficiency of required infrastructure
is a fall-out of this
this negative fall-out is what is manifesting in the electricity sector
in the
frequent and seemingly un-rectifiable scenario of
virtually incessant electricity power outages.

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