any which way one looks at it babe,
there is going to be a cost to :

[a] move those finished products / refined petroleum products
from the Refining Factory / Refinery to the Sea Port(s)
in that country
from where those finished goods are going to be shipped to Nigeria.

[b] freight i.e ship those finished products by sea
from the Sea Port(s) in that country
to the destination Sea Port(s) in Nigeria.

someone has to bear that cost.
that someone is Nigeria.

so, here again,
Victoria Cakes ohbee nm a.k.a Andrea Crabtree ohbee nm,
Nigeria will spend some money that
it would not have spent if
the Nigeria Refineries are working at Maximum Capacity Utilization

Crude Oil is refined in the Nigeria Refineries

even if
the Nigeria Refineries are not working at Maximum Capacity Utilization
are just working at say : 60% Capacity Utilization

all Nigeria has/had to do is
pipe the oil from the Drilling Rig direct to the Refineries.

so let’s say, for example, that
the finished / refined petroleum products get to
the Lagos Sea Ports e.g Tin Can Island ? Apapa Wharf ?

the issue remains as to
how ? do they get from there to
the Petrol Tank Farms,
the Kesosene? Tank Farms, etc  
the Goods Depots

where they will be warehoused
until they are ferried therefrom
distributed and marketed across Nigeria ?

by the way,
Andrea Crabtree nnkeh nm a.k.a Victoria Cakes nnkeh nm,
there is a rumour that has circulated rumouring that

at the end of the Nigeria Civil War / Biafra War ( 19671970 )
in 1970?
Nigeria placed a Security-Risk-Embargo and Punitive?-Embargo
on the Sea Ports in
the defeated Biafra Region e.g

🟢 the Calabar Port
🟢 the Port-Harcourt Port

to the substance

🟥 that no goods can be imported thenceforth into Nigeria
via / from these ports
🟥 that no goods can be exported thenceforth from Nigeria
via / from these ports

or is? it? that

🟥 only a few approved goods can be imported thenceforth into Nigeria
via / from these ports

🟥 only a few approved goods can be exported thenceforth from Nigeria
via / from these ports

and that

🟥 this Embargo
more or less still holds true till today circa January 2022
even inspite of the valiant efforts of some Nigeria Administrations at positive stuff like
TINAPA in the Calabar axis.

i really have no idea on this rumour,
Andrea Crabtree ohbee nm i.e Victoria Cakes ohbee nm,
however, i do know that

🔴🟢 that war ended ( 2022 – 1970 = ) 52 years ago
i.e over half a century ago

🔴🟢 that there have been agitations by various groupings in Nigeria over the years
to the indicator that
they wish to exit the Nigeria Federation
the Sunday? Igboho? agitations in the Yoruba-land Nigeria
which is sometimes rumoured
to be both

🔺️ agitations against killings of Yoruba tribe persons in Yoruba-land territory by Fulani Tribe herdsmen i.e  Fulani Tribe Cow Rearers 


🔺️ agitations suggesting the indicator that the Yoruba tribe wish to exit Nigeria and form a Yoruba Nation

🔴🟢 that over the years
most of the entities that have
📛 murmured in low tones
📛 grumbled and muttered with words of dis-content about their circumstance in Nigeria
📛 spoken out audibly

on the frustration? that
they wish to leave the Nigeria Union / Federation
have often proferred one / some grievance(s) or the other as
the reason(s)
why they wish to exit the Nigeria Federation / the Nigeria Union


🔴🟢 that this sort of rumour
.. if it has any truth in it ..
may be a contributory issue to

why there have sometimes been expressions from that area
to the indicator that they wish to leave Nigeria
⛔ MEND – Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta
⛔ MIND – Movement for the Independence of the Niger Delta

should probably be addressed positively by Nigeria
especially as that war ended over half a century ago .. 52 years ago actually as at today 2022

and really,
bygones should be bygones.

in any case,
Andrea Crabtree nnmah nm a.k.a Victoria Cakes nnmaah nm,
if there is any truth in the rumours
the circumstance is probably

🔻 rather frustrating
🔻 rather distressing
to folks from that area

as those Sea Ports are historical Sea Ports
which have operated fully for hundreds of years
before the
Nigeria Civil War / Biafra War ( 1967 – 1970 )


played significant roles at various epochs
of Black Africa / Negro Africa History
🟥🔴 the Oil Rivers Era
when Palm Oil ( and some palm produce? ) was exported
from there
to Europe

🟥🔴 the sad Negro / Black Slave trade Era
when Negroes / Blacks were exported from there
to Europe,
the Americas,
the Carribeans,
etc ➡️➡️

( by the way,
Andrea Crabtree ormahleechar nm i.e Victoria Cakes ormahleechar nm,
if my memory serves
the Negro USA music maestro
the African America music maestro

Bill Withers
…. or was it?
George Benson
or someone else ….

do a superb music track with the word .. lyric word .. Calabar
in it
in one of his hit-track albums back in the day

probably in an allusion to his family tree roots ?
probably in an allusion to his family oral history as to their genealogical roots ?

you know, the funny thing about memory is that
it sort of seems to fade with the passage of time
and over time a lot of stuff is no longer remembered with the
of back in the day.

any way, no matter really,
as long as you get the point namely that some
African Americans, African Europeans, etc have the word Calabar
as one of the words in their family history that sort of
links their family genealogically to Negro Africa / Black Africa )

➡️➡️ perhaps Google may be able to help us regarding the rumours about
Embargos or No-Embargos.

in any case,
Victoria Cakes nnmah nm a.k.a Andrea Crabtree nnmah nm, 
the point is
the fact remains

if say, for example,
the finished / refined petroleum products get to
the Lagos Sea Ports e.g Tin Can Island ? Apapa Wharf ?

from the country in Europe, for example,
where they were refined,

in order to get from the Lagos Sea Ports to
the Petrol Tank Farms,
the Kerosene Tank Farms?,
the Goods Depots

where they will be warehoused
until they are ferried therefrom
distributed and marketed across Nigeria ?

they need to be transported to
those Petrol Tank Farms,
those Kerosene Tank Farms?,
to those Goods Depots

from the Lagos Sea Ports
and so,
here again, there is a cost of transport to be borne by Nigeria
even if it is an intra-country transportation cost within Nigeria

so, self-evidently, here again,
Andrea Crabtree nnkeh nm a.k.a Victoria Cakes nnkeh nm,
Nigeria will spend some money that
it would not have spent if
the Nigeria Refineries are working at Maximum Capacity Utilization

Crude Oil is refined in the Nigeria Refineries
even if
the Nigeria Refineries are not  working at Maximum Capacity Utilization

are just working at say : 70% Capacity Utilization
all Nigeria has / had to do is pipe the oil
from the Drilling Rig direct to the Refineries.

the net impact of all these expenditures by Nigeria
may ordinarily be that

the cost of refining the petroleum products within Nigeria
even if
the Nigeria Refineries are not  working at Maximum Capacity Utilization
are just working at say : 50 – 90% Capacity Utilization
all Nigeria has/had to do is pipe the oil
from the Drilling Rig direct to the Refineries

is lower
therefore cheaper

than the cost of
sending the petroleum products abroad to be refined
and then
bringing them back again to be sold / used in Nigeria.

if you take a look at all the costs that may be involved in
sending the petroleum products abroad to be refined
and then bringing them back again to be sold / used in Nigeria

there may be about 6 or 7 incorporated costs there,
including possibly :

[1] cost of transporting the Crude Oil from the Oil Drilling Rigs to the Sea Ports for export.

[2] freight cost of shipping the Crude Oil from Nigeria to Europe, for example, for refining

[3] clearing fees / charges at the Destination Sea Port in Europe

[4] transport / forwarding charges from the Destination Sea Port in Europe to the Destination Refinery

[5] Refinery Charges / fees

[6] cost of transporting the refined / finished products from the Refinery to the Sea Port in Europe from where they will be shipped to Nigeria

[7] freight cost of shipping the Refined / Finished Products  from Europe to Nigeria

[8] cost of transporting the Refined / Finished Products from the Lagos? Sea Ports to the Petrol Tank Farms, Kerosene Tank Farms, Depots, etc where they will be warehoused before being distributed and marketed across Nigeria

i guess what this suggests is that
refining Nigeria Crude Oil abroad may be
a cost intensive venture
and therefore
a rather expensive exercise

and that
if Nigeria sells
that Petrol refined abroad,
that Kerosene refined abroad,
that Engine Oil refined abroad,
within Nigeria

at a rate based on the actual cost of refining the Nigeria Crude Oil abroad

that Petrol,
that Kerosene,
that Engine Oil,

may be going for i.e selling for
rather high prices in Nigeria
at prices higher than their previously prevailing sales prices in Nigeria .

and i guess it may probably be somewhere around here or hereabouts
the issue of Subsidy appears
and sort of begins to figure / feature
the Overall Equation.

i say i guess,
Vicky nnkeh nm i.e Andrea nnkeh nm,
the whole issue of

Fuel  Subsidy / Petroleum Subsidy in / by Nigeria
No Fuel Subsidy / Petroleum Subsidy in / by Nigeria

is all rather confusing
to the ordinary, everyday Nigerian.

URL / Link Address :–The-Raping-of-Nigeria-/27269


By sam

Samuel Ojekwe is essentially just your basic everyday fellow that you see in your neighbourhood while you go about doing your stuff and who, like you, wishes and hopes that the world becomes a better place for all of us.

One thought on “Victoria Cakes nnkeh nm ( nkeh nm ) ( nkem ), there’s a rumour that Nigeria is going to remove the Petroleum Subsidy by February 2022 or thereabouts.(3)”
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