Tag: Moriah Mills

look, Moriah Mills nm, arguments can be made FOR and AGAINST any IDEA or PRACTICE, however COMMON SENSE .. where it exists .. and FAIR UNBIASED ASSAY of the RESULTS of the CHOSEN LINES OF ACTION tend to demonstrate the OVERALL EFFICACY or OTHERWISE of the CHOSEN LINES OF ACTION

yeah really the BASIC TRUTH isthat arguments can be made FORi.eIN SUPPORT OF and/or AGAINSTi.eCONTRARY TO any IDEACONCEPTVIEW PRACTICEPROCEEDURE however COMMON SENSE( where it exists ) and FAIR UNBIASED ASSAYof…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO ) (4)

very candidly, Moriah Mills nnmah nm ( nma nm ), i am not at all sure how the EEBOE / EEGBOE speak in reference to a FOLK who has TRAVELLED…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO ) (3)

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ), at this juncture i guess that it may be of some value to mention that there is a DIALECT of the IGBO…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO ) (2)

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ), let’s take a look at those two (2) words OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH OBODO OYIBO OHBOHDOH = OBODO = Country although it may also…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the locations of the earth outside Nigeria beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic OVERSEAS and OHBOHDOH OHYEEBOH ( OBODO OYIBO )

Moriah Mills ohbee nm ( obim ),i guess the best approach tolooking at the interactions of the EEBOE / EEGBOEwith the■ OUTSIDE WORLD■ OUTSIDE OF EEBOELAND WORLD■ OUTSIDE OF EEGBOELAND…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the humanoid races beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic nnde ohjee and nnde orchar (4)

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm), i guess the term NNDE ORCHAR ARAB is self-explanatoryin it’s descriptive reference tohumanoids that are ARABS. at a guessthe terminology NNDE ORCHAR ARABapplies…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the humanoid races beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic nnde ohjee and nnde orchar (3)

moving forwards at a guess sincethe CONTINENT called ASIA has from general observation folkswith 2 different body typesi.e (1) the BODY TYPE seen inBANGLADESHSRI LANKAINDIA and (2) the BODY TYPE…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, it might be of value to the Eeboe Tribe for them to extend their general descriptive terminology for the humanoid races beyond the not-very-detailed essentially simplistic nnde ohjee and nnde orchar

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, ormahleechar m, ormahleecharnm ( omalicha nm ) ( omalicha m ) ( omalicham ),as far as i can tell ■ the basic eegboe / eeboe tribe…

Moriah Mills ormahleechar nm, a post series in which it is discussed that life forms .. irrespective of how beautiful or gifted they are .. that are unable to defend themselves effectively from other life forms are subject to being preyed upon by those other more predatory life forms (1)

this is basically a fact of real life and applies to humanity .. despite humanity’s claims of behavioural superiority over animals and related pretensions .. just as it applies to…

MORIAH MILLS ohbee nm ( obi nm ), if the rumours rumouring that GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS are DANGEROUS to the human body are true then, perhaps, it may be a plus for NIGERIA if persons who can reach the administration reveal these truths to them and encourage? the administration to prevent these dangerous effects from reaching Nigeria Residents and Nigeria Citizens (1)

Moriah Mills ohbee nm (obi nm), i guess it’s generally usually of value for a folk to proceed by :  (1) listening to the 2 different sides of a story i.e  giving an…

Moriah nnkeh nm, there is .. no sensible reason .. or reasonable excuse .. or sensible logic .. as to why this far into time ( circa 2021 A.D ), Nigeria HAS NOT LONG SINCE VERY MANY YEARS AGO been manufacturing cars and other vehicle types from 100% locally sourced raw materials and exporting 100% MADE IN NIGERIA cars and vehicles to every continent in the world. (3)

[ CONTINUED FROM (2) ] as you may have noticed, Moriah nnkeh nm ( nkeh nm ) ( nkeh m ) ( nke m ) ( nkem ), we have…

Moriah nnkeh nm, there is .. no sensible reason .. or reasonable excuse .. or sensible logic .. as to why this far into time ( circa 2021 A.D ), Nigeria HAS NOT LONG SINCE VERY MANY YEARS AGO been manufacturing cars and other vehicle types from 100% locally sourced raw materials and exporting 100% MADE IN NIGERIA cars and vehicles to every continent in the world. (2)

[ CONTINUED FROM (1) ] as we have seen in the previous piece, Moriah ormahleechar nm ( omalicham ) ( omalicha m ) ( omalicha nm ), the SAMMY OJEKWE…

Moriah nnkeh nm, there is .. no sensible reason .. or reasonable excuse .. or sensible logic .. as to why this far into time ( circa 2021 A.D ), Nigeria HAS NOT LONG SINCE VERY MANY YEARS AGO been manufacturing cars and other vehicle types from 100% locally sourced raw materials and exporting 100% MADE IN NIGERIA cars and vehicles to every continent in the world. (1)

i mean, Moriah nnkeh nm ( nkeh m ) ( nkem ), ⏺️ car ( auto-mobile ) manufacturing is PRODUCTION, isn’t it ? ⏺️ bus manufacturing is PRODUCTION, isn’t it…