the very beautiful Cote D’ivoire / Ivory Coast, Western Africa, Africa , singer, musician, model, actress, entrepreneur and business woman ; Eudoxie Yao has declared categorically and with all fort-right-ness
via her post at social media that

( please click the link address below for more details : )
it is a rather elegant declaration
and one that both
➡️ gives room for more argument? / more discussion for and against on the topic
and also
➡️ gives rise to the question / thinking? : by what parameters / assessment / factors is the value of a man ( and/or a woman ) measured ?

a person that AGREES and affirms that the value of a man ( and/or a woman ) is not measured by size may argue that the value of a man ( and/or a woman ) is defined, for example, by how well he / she can provide financially for his ( and/or her ) family and other dependents especially in austere economic times.
a person that DIS-AGREES and contradicts Eudoxie Yao’s affirmation that the value of a man ( and/or a woman ) is not measured by size is in fact saying that the value of a man ( and/or a woman ) is actually measured by his ( and/or her ) physical size including his ( and/or her ) height, weight, etc and may proffer arguments of physical compatibility ( including physical compatibility in the bedroom ) to back that averment.
this sort of discussion / controversy? can drag on for hours and weeks and months and years.
especially where the persons of opposing views either
➡️ refuse or decline to acknowledge valid points made by those who have a differing opinion to theirs
and perhaps also
➡️ remain adamant as to the correct-ness and absolute universal application and relevance of their own views to all instances even in the face of examples / instances / facts to the contrary.

it would seem, in my own personal opinion,
that the value of a man ( and/or a woman ), whether measured in reference to
➡️ his ( and/or her ) level of success in his ( and/or her ) chosen career / business / profession
➡️ his ( and/or her ) level of financial / economic / monetary success in real life
➡️ the level of his ( and/or her ) ability to provide materially and otherwise ( e.g in terms of protection, succor, nurturing, mentoring, etc ) for his ( and/or her ) family members and other dependents
➡️ etc, etc,
is essentially,
at the end of the day,
on balance,
something i.e an assessment i.e a finite assessment that
can only be more fairly and more accurately arrived at by
taking an aggregate of all the identified ( and agreed ? ) parameters i.e indices of assay / measurement
thence arriving at an overall summary / conclusion.

and so,
one may end up surmising that,
for example,
➡️ a man ( and/or a woman ) who failed at his ( and/or her ) chosen career e,g singing because ( he and/or she ) really couldn’t sing and didn’t have a voice as nice as Rihanna’s or Eudoxie Yao’s anyway
but who, for example,
has pots and pots of money and is for example a multi-billionaire in USA dollar terms because, for example,
a rich uncle who died at 120 years old mentioned him ( and/or her )
as successor in that rich uncle’s last will and testament
and is therefore
despite his ( and/or her ) having failed at a career in, for example, singing / music / entertainment / business / engineering / politics / trading / manufacturing / whatever / etc
able to provide adequately for his ( and/or her ) family and other dependents
monetarily, materially and otherwise ( e.g in terms of protection, succor, nurturing, mentoring, etc ) is a person of much value and high value

for example,
➡️ a man ( and/or a woman ) who succeeded brilliantly at his ( and/or her ) chosen career e.g a Professor at a Government-owned University in Nigeria who holds various awards for academic excellence, both international and local,
spanning through his ( and/or her )
primary school period, secondary school period,
undergraduate period i.e university student period and
his ( and/or her ) career as a lecturer and has contributed much to the
increase in the body of world knowledge in his ( and/or her ) area of specialization through research and innovation, etc
but who, for example,
because the Nigeria Public Administration system does not pay University lecturers, both serving and retired, adequately and properly ►►►
( a situation which has historically led to many ASUU [ Association of Academic Staff Union of Universities ] strikes / industrial actions in Nigeria )
►►► has not been paid his ( and/or her ) salary or pension or other emoluments for several months ( more than 7 months, for example )
and is therefore
despite his ( and/or her ) having succeeded spectacularly at a his / her chosen career in the academics,
unable to provide and/or provide adequately for his ( and/or her ) family and other dependents
monetarily, materially and otherwise
may end up being assessed by some or many
as being a person of rather little value or no value at all.

so, all told,
a fairly accurate assessment of the value of a man ( or woman ) is really,
irrespective of the personal individual idiosyncrasies and perspectives,
opinions, etc of the assessors
essentially really
the cumulative result of an assay of a combination of the ( defined ) factors, if any,
by which the assessment is done.
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