Tag: beyonce

just simply from taking a superficial fleeting cursory look at the extensive plethora of photos, videos, gifs, etc i.e of varied format images of the female anatomy virtually everywhere on the internet, it strikes a viewer strongly that the human species ( and the camera persons ) are highly enamoured with the female gluteal region (2)

a thing about the internet generally is that while one may be browsing with specific regards to a particular specific subject matter one may run into detail .. images ..…

the eeboe tribe sometimes affirm that a lady / girl / female folk mah-luh nnmah arnyah ahwhun uhtuhtuh i.e ( translating in sense of meaning) has the radiant beauty of the morning sunshine i.e ( translating essentially via a word-for-word basis ) beauties [the] beauty [of] [the] morning sunshine. so, do you affirm that, in particular, .?.?.? mah-luh nnmah arnyah ahwhun uhtuhtuh i.e ( translating in sense of meaning) has the radiant beauty of the morning sunshine ?

for the purposes of putting folks who may via this post be coming into contact for the first time with what has essentially emerged  .. since coming into being and…

Beyonce nm, very frankly, while it is vital for a people who feel that they are ( being ) attacked to protect and defend themselves, it is also important for them to understand clearly that self-protection and self-defense should be done with wisdom, intelligence and strategy and should not provide further avenues for the perceived enemy / enemies to further destroy? or demolish? them

and Beyonce ormahleechar nm ( omalicha m ) ( omalicham), it is the fundamental observation around the world .. from one generation to another .. .. at all levels of…