Tag: Gracie Bon

just simply from taking a superficial fleeting cursory look at the extensive plethora of photos, videos, gifs, etc i.e of varied format images of the female anatomy virtually everywhere on the internet, it strikes a viewer strongly that the human species ( and the camera persons ) are highly enamoured with the female gluteal region (2)

a thing about the internet generally is that while one may be browsing with specific regards to a particular specific subject matter one may run into detail .. images ..…

Gracie Bon ormahleechar nm, the impact of a person in life and the achievements of a person in life are neither a direct function of the physical height of that individual nor are they directly related to the height of that individual

🟩💃🏼 @graciebon : Respects. a superb video-clip. a beautiful video-clip. i’m not immediately very sure what that body weight in pounds translates to in kilogrammes as the formulae for (metric…

the eeboe tribe sometimes affirm that a lady / girl / female folk mah-luh nnmah arnyah ahwhun uhtuhtuh i.e ( translating in sense of meaning) has the radiant beauty of the morning sunshine i.e ( translating essentially via a word-for-word basis ) beauties [the] beauty [of] [the] morning sunshine. so, do you affirm that, in particular, .?.?.? mah-luh nnmah arnyah ahwhun uhtuhtuh i.e ( translating in sense of meaning) has the radiant beauty of the morning sunshine ?

for the purposes of putting folks who may via this post be coming into contact for the first time with what has essentially emerged  .. since coming into being and…

GRACIE BON ohbee nm ( obim ), sometimes in life when folks make choices their prevalent circumstances at the time that choice is being made narrows down the range of choices they have and/or the direction in which their choices/options can go. 

Graciebon  : with all due respect, Gracie  sometimes in life,  the choices that are person makes are a direct function of his/her prevalent circumstances and are also directly related to what…

a compendium of sorts of some responses to those posts by GRACIE BON on the internet which seem to suggest that some entities around the world are not structured to flow with the very full figured, abundantly fleshy female body type .. a body type which is historically and currently prevalent among females of Negroland Africa genealogical lineage worldwide.

i really have no input that may be helpful on this one, Gracie Bon however,i find myself wondering what Negroland Africa Genealogy Lineage ladies may be experiencing as a body…