Tag: Segos Pumpkin a.k.a Resego Tshabadira

just simply from taking a superficial fleeting cursory look at the extensive plethora of photos, videos, gifs, etc i.e of varied format images of the female anatomy virtually everywhere on the internet, it strikes a viewer strongly that the human species ( and the camera persons ) are highly enamoured with the female gluteal region (2)

a thing about the internet generally is that while one may be browsing with specific regards to a particular specific subject matter one may run into detail .. images ..…

Segos Pumpkin a.k.a Resego Tshabadira ohbee nm, the quest by Negrolanders for a Negroland Africa lingua franca has merit and achieving it would probably require pragmatism, common sense, wisdom, tenacity of purpose, consistency of effort, forbearance, perseverance, patience (1) 

at a guess, Segos Pumpkin a.k.a Resego Tshabadira eefeh artuh nm ( ife atu nm, this subject will probably require more than one post if we are going to attend…

Segos Pumpkin ohbee nm, there is key differential in the area of device use between the folklore from Negroland Africa and that from Europe / North America with regards to the Talking Mirror

i suppose, Segos Pumpkin a.k.a Resego Tshabadira ormahleechar nm ( omalicha nm ) ( omalicha m ), that  any folk(s) any where in the world  who have or have had  access to  fairy tales, folk…