Category: HEALTH

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening in the Eeboe Language – an effort originally crystallized on i.e at some of the internet pages of SERENA WILLIAMS back in the day circa 2012 A.D and now re-adapted in circa 2024 A.D i.e twelve (12) years later on i.e at some of the internet pages of SALMA PARALLUELO

@ Salma paralluelo  : REGARDING SAYING GOOD MORNING BACK TO YOU IN THE EEBOE/IBO/EEGBOE/IGBO LANGUAGE (1) Respects and Greetings, Salma Paralluelo nnmah nm ( nnmah m ) ( nmah nm…

INTENT, CONTENT and INTERPRETATION in IMAGERY – the instance of that horrendous imagery that appeared some time back in the day on the internet circa 2018 A.D or thereabouts detailing a photo of the beautiful Amara La Negra with a hand cut? off?

while trying to put together this particular post i have searched the internet for that horrendous photo and i have remained unable to locate it. perhaps the entities that caused…

of video drama sketches i.e skits/skeets that literally demonstrate the eeboe language praise affirmation that Zmeena Orr’s beauty is so magnificent that it can cause accidents and confusions among on-lookers, of a video drama sketch that in it’s entirety is virtually an ode to the magnificent beauty of Zmeena Orr and of an ode to the nightingale

Zmeena Orr ohbee nm ( ohbee m ) ( obi nm ) ( obi m ) ( obim ) there are some sentences / phrases in the igbo / ibo…

Linda Caicedo nnmah nm, at a guess, stuff regarding Petroleum Subsidy by/in Nigeria is probably most known about by operators in the Oil & Gas Sectors, experts in Oil & Gas matters and related professionals

and as there has been .. historically and currently .. a lot of published material related to Nigeria Oil & Gas an approach that we can adopt here regarding doing…

Linda Caicedo nnmah nm, a thing about rumour(s) is that by it’s name and it’s very nature there is no guarantee that it contains any iota of fact at all and a thing about human memory is that it generally tends to fade or blur with the passage of time and thus loses the precision of accuracy with the passage of time

yeah really you know, Linda nnmah nm ( nma m ), i just googled : “nigeria first tier foreign exchange market” a couple of minutes ago or thereabouts and some…

Linda Caicedo ohbee nm ( obim ), here’s an effort starting relatively early ( for me anyway ) today 25 November, 2023 to compile some Yuletide Seasons Imagery ( ref : December 2023 and January 2024 i.e Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 ) from the internet

and i guess this one may take some time to get done and i also guess it may not be as comprehensive and as all-encompassing as it should otherwise ordinarily…

a personal opinion, within the ambit of my fundamental human rights of freedom of opinion and freedom of expression as chartered by the UNITED NATIONS, regarding the stuff on the internet informing about SPAIN DROPPING THE TERM “WOMEN” i.e “FEMALE” FROM THE NAME OF THE SPAIN “WOMEN i.e FEMALE” NATIONAL FOOTBALL TEAM

 Salma Celeste Paralluelo Ayingono : Greetings, Salma very directly, i generally tend to stay in my own lane. however, if i were to venture an opinion regarding the stuff on the…

Salma Paralluelo nm, it’s a good thing that due to progressive forward developments in Aryan Science & Technology ( .. specifically in this instance The Internet .. ) and the deployments of these progresses around the world it is possible today 2023 ( .. unlike say in 1979 or 1980 for example .. ) for a sports fan in Onitsha, Nigeria ( for example or anywhere else in the world for that matter ) who wishes to do so to follow the sports activities of a sports person located in a part of the world geographically distant physically from his/her location via the internet

■ @salmaparalluelo : ■(1) Greetings, Salma. very directly and very briefly, superb Nigeria footballers who have played with FC Barcelona include Emmanuel Amunike Salma ohbee nm ( obi nm ) (…

that post by WHOOPI GOLDBERG on the internet about solar cars is probably a veritable pointer to/at/in the direction car buyers and car manufacturers? in Nigeria, Negroland Africa and the linked diaspora should be looking at in the emerging future regarding motor vehicles

back in the day circa 1970 A.D to 1980 A.D ( .. and probably earlier in the period circa 1950? A.D to 1969 A.D ) as well as in the…

Lala Koi nnkeh nm ( nkem ), if the circulating rumours hold a content of truth that France depends hugely on Niger Republic’s uranium for electricity and linked France economic activity as well as on a dominating influence over Niger to ensure that it gets the uranium at an unfair cheap rate that is not profitable to Niger then it should stand to reason that if France perceives the new Niger Republic leadership as not being under the control of France, France is likely to respond with a view to preventing a scenario in which France economy has issues because of the change in the Niger Republic leadership and will also do whatever France considers necessary and by any means France considers necessary to ensure a return to the previous status quo ante

Lala Koi nm, i guess we should keep this one short and simple. in any case, the matter is at date 17 September, 2023 an unfolding event i.e a currently…

learnings from the British political process – how come Liz Truss defeated i.e overcame notable competition in the competitive process of election/selection of/for U.K Prime Minister, which process amongst other? rigours?, featured live debate(s) in which she outlined her economic policy / economic agenda for Britain should she emerge as Prime Minister AND YET when she did become Prime Minister, the SAME U.K that had elected her as Prime Minister reacted negatively when her administration embarked on the process of implementing the VERY SAME POLICIES / POLICY she had outlined during the competitive process and based on which proposed economic template the VERY SAME U.K had shortly earlier elected her into office as DE FACTO U.K Prime Minister ???

the U.K has for several hundreds of years now been a leading world economy. the economic and administrative capacity of Britain was demonstrated per excellence globally per excellence globally for…